32nd Meeting of Urbanism Agencies - Thematic bibliography: governance in the work of agencies

têtière 142x114 - 32e rencontre nationale des agences d'urbanisme - biblios

The documentalists of the FNAU network have selected, amongst other recent works of the urbanism agencies, studies illustrating the theme of the Annual Meeting of Urbanism Agencies.

The selection presented here constitutes an enhanced version of what appears in the September 2011 issue of Technicités, dedicated to the event.

The PDF files of the works listed below are copied onto the Meeting’s USB key. The studies which are not on the key, due to the time needed to produce them, can be downloaded from the Apur site at this address:


Observatories and long-term planning

A territorial long-term planning exercise in a district of Rennes

As a result of a call for tender for projects by the Inter-ministerial Agency for Urban Affairs (DIV) in 2008, 9 conurbations instigated a long-term planning exercise on sensitive territories. The Rennes initiative carried out in the Blosne district followed a rigorous methodology to identify the key issues involved and the major transformations underway in the district, and so identify the possible evolutions up until 2025. This reference system is a tool for reflection to aid members of public authorities and professionals to think collectively about the future of the district.

The explorative long-term planning initiative applied to the Blosne district, Urbanism and the Inter- Communal Development Agency of the Rennes conurbation, Audiar, Rennes, 2009, 109p.


South-West Gironde Inter-Territorial Coherence Scheme  - Inter-SCoT Sud-Ouest Gironde  -“ Housing and Territories”: identifying the  leverage points of public action

It has been agreed that a territorial planning initiative similar to a Territorial Coherence Scheme (SCoT) or Inter-Territorial Coherence Scheme (inter-SCoT  ) is needed in the Girondin territories most subjected to strong pressures. The aim of this study is to identify the technical elements for analysis to enable the DDE to create the basis of an informed dialogue with the territories concerned, especially in the area of housing. The chosen method is based on four long-term planning scenarios which highlight the possible outcomes for the territories and lead to a collective formulation of possible strategies.

South-West Gironde Quadrant Inter- Territorial Coherence Scheme “Housing and Territory”.  A long-term planning initiative which contributes to identifying the leverage points which could lead to public authority action . Aquitaine, Bordeaux, Aurba, 2007, 40 p. + annexes


Economic Development Strategy of the Conurbations of the Grand Est

The development strategy of the nine towns of the Grand Est has been analysed  (eight French towns as well as the town of Basel in Switzerland).  The strategies observed are surprisingly similar. This document focuses on the implementation methods deployed. Long-term planning and governance of territory have been identified as key elements. The last part of the study examines the organisational methods and the allocation of functions between the different key development players.

Drawing up and implementing a development strategy: which methods and organisation. Consultation based on the observation of the 9 towns of the Greater East- Grand Est-, The Mulhouse Region Urbanism Agency, Mulhouse, AURM, 2010, 15 p.


And tomorrow?

By devoting a lot of space to the visual image, this special edition of the  Development and Urbanism Institute's Cahiers de l’IAU Ile-de-France,  tries to imagine what the city of tomorrow could be, over and beyond what is generally  anticipated. What potential visions are possible?

The concept is based on a simple approach: 50 questions posed to specialists, artists and experts. Their answers are given in a short, highly illustrated format.

And tomorrow? Cahiers no. 158, IAU Ile-de-France, September 2011

”Tomorrow is just around the corner” Seminar Proceedings from Strasbourg, June 2010

Adeus held a seminar focusing on long-term planning. It was conceived as a project for the collective construction of the territory and has allowed the agency to play a central role : that where long-term planning is used to better inform government policy makers. The 2010 seminar is the first stage of an initiative which will stretch over three years. The objective of this first step was to share the understanding of the key points and the dynamics at work.

“ Tomorrow,  is just around the corner”  Seminar focusing on long-term planning   8, 9, 10 and 11 June 2010 -  Proceedings of the seminar, The Development and Urbanism Agency for the Strasbourg Region, Strasbourg, ADEUS,   2010, 59 p.


Let’s develop the Pays Basque:  Imagining a sustainable territory collectively

The Pays Basque is particularly attractive because of its intense urban development, despite the competition and conflicts of use which could create a delicate situation. The questions of mobility and economic land and resources management are major development issues amplified by the challenges of climate, scarcity of energies, economic changes...... Since 2009, Audap has accompanied local key players in this long-term planning initiative to construct a shared vision of development in the Pays Basque and to identify the tools which could be mobilized on all the various scales to be found within the territory.
Development of the the Basque Country: a long-term planning initiative to collectively imagine a sustainable territory, the Atlantic and Pyrenees Urbanism Agency. Audup, 2011, 50p.


Portrait of the urban area of Orleans
Understanding and putting into context the dynamics at work in the Orleans conurbation and its urban area have been developed through the exploration of five principal urban development themes: infrastructures and travel, demography, housing and the social and economic fields. The objective is to provide an updated overview (largely thanks to statistics from the 2007 census) of the functioning and evolution of the territory, in reference to a previous “portrait” created in 2002 in partnership with INSEE, the DRE Centre, and the DDE of Loiret.

Portrait of the urban area of Orleans, the Orleans conurbation Urbanism Agency. Orleans, AUAO, April 2011, 101p. (reference document) + 23p. (figures)

Portrait de l’aire urbaine d’Orléans

Portrait de l’aire urbaine d’Orléans - les chiffres 2010


Population and Employment Dynamics in Upper Normandy over the past 40 years
This document retraces 40 years of demographic dynamics and employment in the Upper Normandy territory.  The geographic scales and time periods chosen allow a better understanding of the phenomenon of centres of employment and the expansion of the most densely populated area. The multi-level organization of the document enables us to analyse the dynamics of spatial distribution and at the same time observe the correlation or non-correlation over time.

40 years population and employment dynamics, Urbanism Agency of Rouen and its rivers the Seine and Eure, Rouen,  AURBSE 2011


A project for “Tomorrow’s City”, Clermont metropolis
Supported by the Clermont Agency, Eco-City Clermont Metropolis responded to the project call for tender “A Programme for Future Investment – Action for Tomorrow’s City”.  This application on the one hand addresses territorial action taken on the Saint Jean/Cataroux urban project, identified as a priority by the Territorial Coherence Scheme (SCoT), and on the other hand, several transversal research and economic development projects proposed by public and private key players, concerning technological innovation in the fields of energy, sustainable mobility and the environment.

EcoCities: Building sustainable and socially inclusive standards for the city of tomorrow : applicant’s dossier “ Tomorrow’s City” project, Urbanism and Development Agency of Clermont Metropolis, Clermont-Ferrand, March 2011, 152p.


The Urban framework of Lorraine

The DREAL has given the three Lorraine agencies the task of studying the Regional urban framework. The objective is to study the links between this framework, its development and the Territorial Coherence Schemes (SCoT), and to examine the growing metropolitan phenomenon. A comparison of the Territorial Coherence Schemes and a better understanding of the functioning of their territories should allow the State to better assess and define the key issues they wish to highlight during the process.

The urban framework of Lorraine,  Nancy Urban Area Development and Urbanism Agency, North Lorraine Urban and Sustainable Development Agency, Urbanism Agency of the Moselle, Nancy, Aduan, Agape, Aguram conurbation, 2001, 139p.

L’armature urbaine de la Lorraine (2010) - phase 1

L’armature urbaine de la Lorraine (2010) - phase 2

L’armature urbaine de la Lorraine (2010) - phase 3


Peri-urban agricultural observatory of the Pays de Rennes

The signatories of the Local Agricultural Plan (PLA), the framework of an agreement between the Chamber of Agriculture of Ile-et-Vilaine, Safer Brittany, the Rennes Region and the EPCIs (comprised of the Regions of Pays d’Aubigné, Pays de Châteaugiron, Pays de Liffré, Rennes Metropolis and Val d’Ille) wanted to “discuss the setting up of an agricultural observatory” (axis 1 of the PLA). The principle objective of this observatory is to create a common culture between partners based on an up-to-date view of the peri-urban agriculture of the Pays de Rennes Region. During the preparatory stages Audiar received input on what was expected of the tool, and defined the scope of the observatory.

Periurban Agricultural Observatory of the Rennes Region, Rennes Conurbation Urbanism and Inter-Communal Development Agency, Rennes, Audiar n°0-2010, 46p. + n°1 – 2011 (in progress)


Metropolitan Reality Map Collection

The Lyon Urbanism Agency has made a collection of original maps, scale -1/200 000, of the Lyon Metroploitan area from several approaches: geographic, instituional, economic, land.... These maps are intended for all the key players of the Metropolis, as well as its neighbours, Sillon Alpin, Auvergne, Burgundy, PACA – or for key players in other French Cities wanting to know more about the area.

The Geography of the Lyon Metropolitan area, Lyon conurbation Urbanism and Development Agency, Lyon, Urbalyon, March 2011, Map scale – 200 000

An Economic Observation at a Metropolitan level

OMPREL (Metroplitan Partnership Observation of the Lyonnaise Economic Region) is a process which facilitates the mobilisation of skills and the sharing of resources to bring added value by increasing awareness of the economic dynamics at the Metropolitan level. Five aspects of observation have been programmed : logistics, European comparison, large business parks, economic change, service economy.

First meetings of OMPREL : key players' views, Urbanism Agency for the development of the Lyon conurbation, Lyon, Urbalyon, November 2010, 19p.


Portraits of the Inhabitants of Greater Amiens in 2030

Graphic and tangible portrayal of Greater Amiens in 2030, is the objective of “Portraits of Inhabitants”. Eleven portraits have been sketched in order to better understand the developments which might have taken place by 2030 in Greater Amiens and how living conditions would be affected.  Each portrait describes a household in terms of its characteristics, its history and its life in 2030 in Greater Amiens

Portraits of Inhabitants, Greater Amiens Urbanism and Development Agency, Amiens, ADUGA, 2009, 22p.


A partnership initiative for the release of land to create housing

Based on the land observatory in the urban zone of AUDRNA, an original partenership has been created between the Housing and Land Prospection services of Metroplitan Nîmes, the DDTM and the Nîmes Urbanism Agency in order to identify potential land for creating social housing. Presented and debated in each municipality, this initiative has enabled the subject to be included in a more global approach.  Thus the land initiative has become a vehicle for carrying out the project.

Land observatory in the urban zone of the community of the conurbation of Metropolitan Nîmes,  Urbanism and Development Agency for the Nîmes and Alés Regions, Nîmes, AUDRNA, 2010, 38p


Manual 2 of the Flanders – Dunkirk Region, a strategy for a territory

An observation and long-term planning tool for sharing knowledge about the territory. Each issue is set out in four pages presenting an overview, graphic illustrations, cartography, reading guides, bibliographic references and contacts.

The Manual 2 of the Flanders – Dunkirk Region, the 2010-2011 keys to understanding the territory. Flanders-Dunkirk Region Urbanism and Development Agency,  Dunkirk, Agur, December 2010, 122p

Le manuel 2 de la région Flandre - Dunkerque, stratégie pour un territoire - couverture

Le manuel 2 de la région Flandre - Dunkerque, stratégie pour un territoire

Inhabitant Participation and Local Democracy

Brest: the sustainable district of Rody, a participative initiative
The Rody district has a remarkable role to play in the conurbation of Brest. The objectve is to create a new sustainable metropolitan district in an exceptional site, with a certain density and great urban and social diversity. The defining feature of the initiative rests on an Urbanism Agency which brings together public authority members, inhabitants and members of associations, as well as a close technical collaboration between Adeupa and the urban community.

Sustainable district of Rody,  Kermeur,  Coataudon (synthesis), Pays de Brest Region Urbanism and Development Agency, Adeupa, 2011, 40p


Making public spaces accessible

This guide is the result of partnership work animated by Agur and led by a group made up of disabled people, members of associations and professionals (APF, Nous Aussi, Rémora, Communauté urbaine de Dunkerque, CETE). Presented as recommendations, it proposes a complementary approach founded on a different perspective of the city and its spaces : that of the users themselves, from their experiences and the difficulties they meet each day whilst moving around the urban space.

Making public spaces accessible, as seen by disabled people, Urbanism and Development Agency, Flanders-Dunkirk, Dunkirk, Agur, November 2010, 86p.


The Addou Initiative :  Guide to sustainable development and interpreting the project
Audiar,  Clé  and the Pays de Rennes have run the Addous since 2002. This shared and voluntary initiative, accompanies public authority representatives when they are defining and setting up an urbanism project which integrates the principles of sustainable development. As a multi-partnership initiative, it brings together members of public authorities, the project owner representative, the designing team, association representatives, inhabitants....   Addou takes place in two stages :   the collective construction of a development guide then the interpretation of the development project proposed by the project designers in the light of this guide.

Guide to sustainable development and interpreting a project  – Commune of Noyal-Châtillon-sur-Seiche,Rennes conurbation Urbanism and Inter-Communal Development Agency, Rennes Audiar, 2010, 8 + 14p.


Development and renovation plan for Morlaix Harbour

As part of a policy for the development of sailing and urban regeneration, the community of the conurbation of Morlaix wishes to enhance and regenerate Morlaix Harbour. The mission given to Adeup has integrated an experimental initiative founded on the participation of qualified persons from the general public. This has led to the signing of a renovation and development charter.

Guidelines of a plan for Morlaix Harbour – April 2011, Pays de Brest Urbanism Agency, Brest, Adreupa, 2011, 48p.


Improving the way agriculture is considered in the PLU

Since 2008, Audiar and its partners have been engaged in consultations on the development of a new approach towards understanding agriculture in the PLUs. Nine municipalities of the Rennes metropolis where the PLU is being revised, have benefited from this new approach. This agricultural diagnosis brings together farmers from the Communes in order to collect the most recent data on the Communes' holdings, whilst identifying agricultural issues in urbanism documents. After two years of experimenting, the method has evolved and the document provides an initial report on the process.

Improving the way agriculture is considered in the PLUs, Agency for Urbanism and Inter-Communal development in the Rennes conurbation, Rennes, Audiar, 2010, 21 slides


Metropolitan Cooperation

European Development Hub: ten years of cross-border cooperation

In 1996 a cross-border association was created between the states of France, Belgium and Luxembourg,  the Regions and the Communes, a real governance framework for the economic restructuring of the European development hub in operation since 1985. This booklet endeavours to shows the principle steps which have enabled the creation and description of this common space, “The Laboratory of Europe”, and the results obtained thanks to the sharing of European resources.

Cross-border Association for the European Development Hub – Belgium, France, Luxembourg – 10 years, North Lorraine Sustainable Development and Urbanism Agency, Longway, ATPED, 2007, 27p.


Association for the development of the metropolitan area of North Champenois

Since November 2005, a metropolitan conference has associated ten towns and conurbations of    Aisne, Ardennes and the Marne (Châlons-en-Champagne, Charleville-Mézières, Château-Thierry, Épernay, Laon, Reims, Rethel, Sedan, Soissons and Vitry-le-François) covering a territory under the jurisdiction of two Regions. This “G10” is based on an original and informal cooperation which relies on the willingness of members of local authorities to meet and  share their experiences and to  reflect together on long-term planning issues out of which a new territorial dynamic can emerge.

Territories in movement : ten conurbations for a metropolis, Reims Region Urbanism and long-term Planning Agency, AUDRR, 2005-2010, pag Mult.

Reims G10 - Bureau

Reims G10 - Territoire

Reims G10 - Lettre 1

Reims G10 - Lettre 2


The living Centre of Essonne : faces of today, projects for tomorrow

Audeso has set up an original initiative of flexible association between seven inter-municipalities which make up the Essonne-Seine-Orge Centre (CESO), with the support of the State, Ile de France Region and the Department of Essonne. In order that the area might be better known the study presents a selection of photographs by François Poche organised around  the four aspects of its development plan : desire for mobility, economic vitality, desire for nature, diversity, sharing and quality.


Factsheets for the project centred around the Seine

The Committee of the Estuary local authorities, counting 45 members, met during 2010 to debate the workshop themes set up by AURH on the formulation of the “Grand Paris-Axe Seine” project, drawing upon its specific field of competence : the Seine Estuary. With the intention of sharing a common culture, the corner stone of the project’s foundation, the agency proposed a reconstitution of the situation in the form of factsheets, as part of the dynamic to widen the project, enabling it to respond to the Estuary’s ambitions and the challenges of “Grand Paris”.

The Seine Estuary in the 21st Century, Le Havre and Seine Estuary Region Urbanism Agency, Le Havre, AURH, 2011, 8x4p.

Intercalaire 1

Intercalaire 2

Intercalaire 3

Intercalaire 4

Intercalaire 5

Intercalaire 6


2009 Metropolitan Cooperation -  Conventions State/AGAM and State/AUPA

With respect to the terms of the metropolitan conventions of February 2009 between the State, Agam and Aupa, for the enhancement of the Metropolitan Project, this document presents the progress made on the joint work of the agencies. The themes tackled are :  transport (problematics and updates on the interchange hubs within the metropolis), higher education (attractiveness to students), and the development of the territory (issues for the interface zones, such as the Huveaune valley).

State/AGAM and State/AUPA Metropolitan Cooperation - Conventions 2009 : interim report,Urbanism Agency of the Marseille conurbation, Pays d’Aix,  Marseille, Agam; Aix-en-Provence Urbanism Agency, Aupa, 2009


The Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai Euro-metropolis: encouraging cultural cooperation

In the context of reflection by the Development Council of Lille Metropolis on cross-border cultural cooperation and following an initial diagnosis made collaboratively by several French, Walloon and Flemish key players, the work group has drawn up several recommendations for action in this document.

Eurometropole Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai : encouraging cultural cooperation.  Development Council Paper N°13, Development Council of Lille Metropole, Lille, Development Council of Lille Metropole, 2011, 4p.


Joining forces : metropolitan governance & competitiveness of European cities Final Report :
Conclusions and recommendations of the group Urbact on the metropolitan governance, of which Lille Metropolis was first in line. Summary of seven seminars organised in each of the partner cities.

Lille Metropolis Urbanism and Development Agency, Lille, ADU Lille Metropole, Urbact, 2010, 65p.


Lille Metropolitan Area, constructing a European objective together

This first joint document from all the inter-municipalities of the Lille metropolitan area presents the territory and the specific features of each Commune.

Lille Metropolitan Area, Metropolitan Region : constructing a European objective together. Lille Metropolis Urbanism and Development Agency, Lille, ADU, Lille Metropolis, 2007, 120p.


Alzette-Belval, Achieving an operation of national interest at the gateway to Luxembourg

In response to the ambitious Belval project developed in Luxembourg, right next to the French border, the French President, in 2009, announced his intention to create an operation of national interest  in the French Alzette-Belval sector. To address this objective, the  Alzette-Belval  preparative mission established in  2010,  requested AGAPE to conduct a study in three parts, one of which was to assess the current state of the cross-border territory.

Alzette-Belval preparative mission: Current state of the cross-border conurbation of Alzette-Belval, Urbanism and Sustainable Development Agency of North Lorraine.


Sillon Lorrain, a metropolitan hub.

For over 10 years, the cities of Metz and Nancy and the towns of Thionville and Epinal and their respective conurbations have been taking steps to tighten the network of  towns in the Sillon Lorrain. The restructuring  of Sillon into a metropolitan hub and the various co-operative agreements within the Grande Région (Lorraine, Sarre, Wallonie, Rhénanie-Palatinat, Luxembourg) aim to promote the competitiveness and attractiveness of the territory at a national and European level.

Sillon Lorrain, a metropolitan hub, Agency for Development and Urbanism in the urban Area of Nancy, Nancy, Aduan 2011.

Trilingual  brochure introducing Sillon Lorrain.


Territorial Planning

Territorial Coherence Scheme -SCoT- of the Grenoble urban Region, a shared initiative

Since autumn 2008, the joint local authority syndicate of the Territorial Coherence Scheme - Syndicat Mixte du SCoT-, along with local authority representatives of the six “participating communities”, have been carrying out a preliminary phase of work to define a sustainable development strategy, explore the conditions and means and suggest initial requirements for the Territorial Coherence Scheme. This work document draws up the findings this work.

The urban Region of Grenoble’s Territorial Coherence Scheme –ScoT- 2030.  A work document for the territories’ debate. Initial diagnostic elements, strategies, means, requirements. Public establishment of the Territorial Coherence Scheme –ScoT-, Grenoble Region Urbanism Agency , Grenoble, EP SCoT/ AURG, 2009, 40p.


Greater Amiens Territorial Coherence Scheme –ScoT- : An emerging vision
Following the assessment of the situation in 2008, local authority representatives and institutional and technical partners were mobilised to formulate a diagnosis of the territory of Greater Amiens, an urban Region encompassing 381 municipalities. The evolution of the area is characterised by sixteen trends, around which its development could be organised. The objective is to encourage the emergence of a shared and sustainable territory and coordinate the improvement in inhabitants’ quality of life with its role on a National and European level.

Greater Amiens Territorial Coherence Scheme - SCoT du pays du Grand Amiénois-, Greater Amiens Urbanism and Development Agency, ADUGA, 2009, 74p.


The Parisian Basin and inter-Regionality in Regional planning documents

The report gives an up-to-date assessment of available Regional documents and their varying forms and contents. It identifies themes on a scale which could be of interest to the Parisian Basin and key spaces, and recommends ways to develop cooperation and experimentation with new practices throughout the Parisian basin.

The Parisian Basin and Inter-Regionality in Regional planning documents, Ile-de-France Institute of Development and Urbanism,  Paris, IAU, 2010, 40


Toulouse: for a sustainable and socially inclusive urban area

This strategic vision simultaneously brings together the commitment of local government to make a coherent development proposal for the urban area and to prepare a general framework for urban planning and sustainable development projects.  The Inter-territorial Coherence Scheme –Inter-ScoT- process underway is intended to be innovative and exemplary in terms of governance: it has enabled the emergence of projects for the territory which have been negotiated by the entire urban area and have gone further, involving the four -SCoT- Public Establishments of the Midi-Pyrénées Region  and the Departments  of Haute-Garonne and  Aude.

A strategic vision of the Inter-territorial Coherence Scheme of the Toulouse Urban Area, Urbanism and Development Agency for the Toulouse Urban Area, GIP Inter-SCoT, Toulouse, Auat 2010, 123p.


The contribution of the CESO (Centre Essonne-Seine-Orge ) to the 'Grand Project 3' of the State/Region project contract  2007/2013

The key-players of the Centre Essonne Seine Orge (CESO) territory took over the territorial part of the CPER ( State/Region project contract) to show their common willingness to contribute to the attractiveness of the Paris/ Ile de France metropolis,  to include it in the SDRIF 2008 project guidelines  and implement a plan of action. Audeso has been the linchpin in the drawing up of this file which is comprised of : the CESO atlas, five notes on the thematic issues (sector planning documents, housing,  economy, mobility, environment) and the CESO development project.  In accordance with the provisions made by the Ile-de-France Region, Audeso created a mid-year file in 2011 to follow –up the implementation of the programme.

The contribution of the CESO (Centre Essonne-Seine-Orge ) to the 'Grand Project 3' of the State/Region project contract  2007/2013, Urbanism and Development Agency of Essonne-Seine-Orge, Morsang-sur-Orge, Audeso, 2009.


The Grenoble Urban Region Territorial Coherence Scheme -SCoT- :  100 measures to debate for sustainable development

This document presents certain key elements for the future SCoT of Grenoble. It aims to stimulate reflection and debate on the policy guidelines and recommendations affecting environmental and socio-economic issues aimed at enhancing sustainability. It is based on work done by the RUG SCoT Public Establishment Syndicate Council, on the contributions of the SCoT steering committee’s environmental assessment and workshops.

Territorial Coherence Scheme -ScoT-.2030. The Territorial Coherence Scheme of the Grenoble Urban Region: 100 measures to debate for sustainable development:  Additional studies on diagnosis, strategy, assessment, guidelines, recommendations. Support document for the debate on Territories N°2

The SCoT  Pu blic Establishment, Grenoble Region Urbanism Agency, EP Scot, AURG, 2010, 44p.


A development project which is open to metropolitan space

The Urban Planning and Sustainable Development Project of  the Lyon conurbation Territorial Coherence Scheme –ScoT- aims to surpass the self-centred style of development typical of the last two decades and to coordinate with  the neighbouring SCoTs on a planning logic which takes into account the reality of an area with a population of nearly  2 000 000 inhabitants. The Territorial Coherence Scheme is acting in the face of the impending changes in urban civilisation, and making innovative choices for sustainable development to meet the challenges of the future.

The Lyon conurbation Territorial Coherence Scheme –ScoT- : The Urban Planning and Sustainable Development Project (PADD) – Document approved 16th December 2010, Lyon conurbation Urbanism and Development Agency, UrbaLyon, December 2010, 89p.


The local housing program of the Community of the Metz-Métropole conurbation

Aguram has assisted the community of the Metz-Metropole conurbation to develop its second local housing program, which is entering into effect for the period 2011-2017. This broad initiative has led local authority representatives to commit themselves to an ambitious project which should enable the territory to regain its attractiveness, counteract the rise in land and housing prices, welcome new households whilst strengthening social cohesion and promoting sustainable housing

The local housing programme of the community of the Metz-Metropole conurbation, Urbanism Agency for the conurbations of Moselle, Metz, Aguram, 2010, 116 + 17 + 76 + 80p.


Pre-diagnosis of the North 54 Territorial Coherence Scheme -SCoT-
In 2010, the joint syndicate of the North 54 SCoT became a member of Agape assigning to it the preparation of the Territorial Coherence Scheme-SCoT as an integral part of the agency's partnership program. First of all, the joint syndicate asked for a pre-diagnosis treating all the themes of the SCoT (demographics, housing, mobility, economic development...) and presenting the facts, tools for the future discussions to allow the formulation of a shared diagnosis.
North Meurthe and Mosellan Territorial Coherence Scheme-SCoT-: prediagnosis, Urbanism and Sustainable Development Agency of North Lorraine, Longlaville, Agape, 2011, 86p.


SCoTSUD54: The South Lorraine Multi-hub for a sustainable quality of life

The pre-Project for Sustainable Management and Development Pré-PADD, has decided on a strategy for building the South Lorraine Multi-hub by focusing on the large scale in order to encourage a new economic dynamism and include the territory in the strategy of metropolitan development;  it is a well-structured territory with two strong axes functioning within a double framework which is both urban (multi-polar on four levels) and natural-agricultural (green metropolis); and finally sustainable development based on the proximity, quality and control of urban sprawl.

SCoTSUD54 : The South Lorraine Multi-hub for a sustainable quality of life, Agency for Development and Urbanism in the urban Area of Nancy,  Development Agency of the Val de Lorraine, Nancy, Aduan 2011


The  Local Housing Programme PLH  of Saint-Etienne Metropolis

This document is the Saint-Etienne Metropolis' second PLH. It defines the policy of the conurbation: to address to the needs of households and ensure a more balanced and collaborative development for the period 2010-2015.

The PLH of Saint-Etienne Metropolis. Contribute to a project for an attractive, and socially cohesive conurbation, Epures, Urbanism Agency for the Stéphanoise Region, Saint-Etienne Metropolis Saint-Etienne, Epures, 2010, 8 p.


Metropolitan Strategies and Projects

The integration of the Grand Parc of Miribel-Jonage into the Lyon metropolis

A strategic reflection on the role of the Grand Parc of Miribel-Jonage in order to be fully aware of the part the space plays in the attractiveness of the Lyon metropolitan area, and to reveal in what respect the Grand Parc could become an emblem for the metropolis, through its size, its history and its large scale facilities. The park could also be a driving force in the formulation of the ”Metropolitan Hub” project.

Grand Parc Miribel-Jonage : Key Players' views  “For a metropolitan vision”, Urbanism Agency for the Development of the Lyon conurbation. Urbalyon , April 2011, 42.


The project for the community of the Leins-Gardonnenque Communes territory

As a result of the growing diversity of subjects requiring reflection and action in the community of the Liens- Gardonnenque Communes, its local authority representatives would like to clarify the role of the EPCI (Inter-Communal Cooperation Public Body) and facilitate the decision making  process by referring to a single framework document. As a collective political project it is organised into areas of intervention and proposed courses of action. It equally makes the EPCI easier to understand by the general public and outside world in an evolving, inter-Communal context.

The Liens-Gardonnenque territory project, “ Territorial Ties” Urbanism and Development Agency for Nimes and Ales Regions, Nimes, Community of the Liens-Gardonnenque Communes, 2010 56p


“Campus Plan” : The Contribution of the Marseille Provence metropolis

The Marseille Provence metropolis urban Community has joined forces in responding to the Aix-Marseilles Universities' call for projects “Campus Plan”, initiated by the State. It brings an essential contribution in three main areas: public transport services to the Luminy site and the Etoile transport hub; the economic enhancement of their areas of excellence; and finally the qualitative development of entrances and areas surrounding of the Luminy and Saint-Jérôme sites.

Campus Plan : The Contribution of the Marseille Provence metropolis urban Community to the Aix-Marseille University's campus project, Urbanism Agency for the conurbation of Marseille, Marseille, Agam, 2009, 45p.


“Lille Métropole 2030” debate proceedings of 22nd January 2010

These are the proceedings of the big debate on the development of the metropolis held within the framework of the Lille Métropole Territorial Coherence Scheme -SCoT-. The following themes were covered on the day :  the functions of a metropolis, questions of scale and urban forms. These proceedings particularly gathered contributions from public authority representatives and experts.

The big debates:  Development : Metropole 2030. Proceedings of 22nd January 2010. Joint syndicate of the Territorial Coherence Scheme –ScoT- of Lille Metropole, Lille metropolis Development and Urbanism Agency, 2010, 97p


Urban Forms : A directory of the Caen metropolis

The debate on urban forms is very topical, because it is at the heart of the contemporary issues of sustainable development, notably over the question of density. Aucame has published a directory which lists the principle urban forms connected with housing in the Caen metropolitan territory, promoting a shared awareness and laying the foundations of the debate on future urban forms in order to improve the quality of urban planning and the production of tomorrow’s city.

Directory of urban residential forms of Caen Metropole. Caen metropolis Urbanism Studies Agency, Caen, Aucame, 2010, 52p.


Management Plan for the Le Corbusier of “Firminy Vert”

France applied to the World Heritage organisation for Le Corbusier to be classified as world heritage for humanity and the nation. Unesco requirements include the drawing up of a management plan, communication and sustainable development incorporating conservation strategies, the development of tourism and research projects. The town of Firminy and the Saint-Etienne Metropole have asked the urbanism agency to draw up this document.

Management, Communication and Sustainable Development of the Mind and Body Recreation Centre of Firminy Vert, Urbanism Agency for the Saint-Etienne Region, Saint Etienne,, Epures 2009


Paris,  "A metropolis on the Seine"

The core of this collective work is devoted to the Parisian project for the redevelopment of the embankment roads, which aims to give pedestrians a space for walking and other diverse river focused facilities. Launched in April 2010, this project is being carried out using experimentation and  light-weight,  reversible developments following an original project method.  Apur’s contribution as a participant in this work process takes the form of seminars, exhibitions, workshops, forums and public meetings during which the project is more clearly defined. On a wider scale, the work retraces the history of Paris and its river, alternating over the centuries as a space for economic activities, commerce, development and events all of which have been forgotten since over the last decades they have been used exclusively as roads for cars.

Paris, a metropolis on the Seine, Paris Urbanism Agency, Textual/Apur, 2010, 160p.


Eco-Cities: Clermont Metropole

The selection of the Clermont territory for one of the 13 awards for the Eco-Cities initiative presents a precious opportunity to reflect on and create a  “desired city”, preparing with today’s innovation the standards of tomorrow's city :to be sustainable and socially inclusive. The perspective of the TGV, high speed train link opening will contribute to the creation of this “desired city”,  by improving its attractiveness and its territorial accessibility.

Eco-Cities : creating  sustainable and socially inclusive standards for tomorrow's city;  application, Clermont Metropole Urbanism and Development Agency for, Clermont-Ferrand, March 2009, 46p.



Developing the metropolis, a space to live in, a living space

Contribution of the Development Council of Lille Metropole to the debate on the development of the Lille metropolitan area. This contribution was adopted during the plenary session of the Development Council, 14th January 2010 with the participation of the Development Council of the Pays de Pévélois.

Developing the metropolis, a space to live in, a living space.  Contribution to the big development debate of the  Lille Metropole Urban "Aménagement : Métropole 2030", Development Council of Lille Metropole, Lille, 2010, 19p.


Guide maps of facilities in the Evry Val de Seine Science Park (PSEVS)
The Essonne Seine Orge Centre (CESO) houses considerable scientific potential, notably in the area of the life sciences, which is why it should be included in the Biotechnology Valley - Vallée des biotechnologies-, the Grand Paris development hub. Since 2008, Audeso has worked in partnership with establishments which are members of the PSEVS (particularly Evry Val d'Essonne University, Genopole, Telecom & Management Sud Paris,   École nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris) to compile an urban and property inventory for these sites and emphasise the urban and territorial development levers which they represent.

Guide maps of facilities in the Evry Val de Seine Science Park, Urbanism and Development Agency of Essonne-Seine-Orge, Morsang-sur-Orge, Audeso, 2008.


History and socio-cultural identity in the Orsa territory

Through the agreement signed on May 5, 2009 with the public development organisation of the Orly-Rungis-Seine Amont territory (EPA ORSA), the Ile-de-France Development and Urbanism Institute (IAU Ile-de-France)  was given the task of carrying out a study of the historical and the socio-cultural identity of this territory which is classified as an Operation of National Interest (OIN).

History and socio-cultural identity of the Orsa territory, Paris, IAU Ile-de-France, 2010, 185 p.


La Défense within its own territory

The power of the business district of La Défense is recognised worldwide but its function only makes sense and can only be sustained if it is firmly rooted it the Ile-de-France metropolis. This note aims to highlight the assets and challenges which La Défense must consider in order to become a driving force behind all aspects of metropolitan development as well as fulfilling its role as an international business district.

La Défense within its territory. Contribution to the work group Paris-Métropole “Let's metropolise La Défence”, Paris, Iau Île-de-France, 2010, 25 p.


Pulversheim: Town Entrance

The Urbanism Agency has helped the Commune of Pulversheim to design a new town entrance. An entrance to the town which has to reconcile urban development and dealing with landscaping features.

The Entrance to the Town of Pulversheim urban project;, Urbanism Agency for the Mulhouse Regian, Mulhouse Alsace conurbation, Mulhouse, AURM, 2010, 34p.


Which project for the historical district of Richelieu which is threatened by flooding?

Following on from its diagnosis, AUDRNA  has organised a long-term planning seminar, with the town of Nimes, on the strategy to follow to upgrade the historical district of Richelieu, which is included in the future PPRI. Brought together in workshops, experts and professionals in different fields (hydraulic risk, development, promotion and construction) have come up with guidelines combining a reduction in people’s vulnerability, the preservation of heritage and the improvement of urban quality.

Nimes Richelieu district : preliminary components of urban analysis, Urbanism and Development Agency for the Nimes and Ales Regions, Nimes, AUDRNA, 2010, 82p.


Development blueprint for the Aix-Marseille University hubs

The development blueprint for the Aix-Marseille University hubs groups together the higher education and public research sites of the Aix-Marseille Education Authority -académie- , and in particular the three universities of Aix-Marseille and the University of Avignon. Created within the framework of the Aix-Marseilles Universities’ research departments’- PRES ,pôles de recherches et d’enseignement supérieur-  application for the “Plan Campus” operation,  this study presents the principle guidelines, shared with the Local Education Authority -rectorat-, for the development of these sites.

Development blueprint for the Aix-Marseille University hubs, Urbanism Agency for the Marseille conurbation, Marseille, Agam, 2010, 90p


A disused hospital in the city centre

Augram has made a preliminary study for the conversion of the central hospital of Bon Secours. To be aware of its urban and architectural characteristics, the Agency has made a diagnosis describing the potential of each building of this urban feature. The diagnosis equally puts forward conversion criteria defined in terms of the urban and operational issues affecting the immediate neighbourhood, the Sainte Thérèse sector and  the “New City - Nouvelle Ville-“ district.

Preliminary diagnosis for the conversion of the central hospital of Bon Secours sites, Urbanism Agency for the Moselle, Metz, Aguram conurbation, 2010, 96 + 26p.


Urban study of the Bellecroix district

The city of Metz has given Aguram the task of making an urban diagnosis on the social aspect of the Bellecroix district. With its exceptional position on the edge of the historical centre, the district nevertheless presents social and economic problems. The study recommends development guidelines to meet the short, medium and long term needs of the urban renewal of the district.

Urban study of the Bellecroix district, Urbanism Agency of the conurbation of Moselle, Metz, Aguram, 2011, 67 + 72p.



Calanques National Park

A presentation of all the sites involved and the problems of the project for the perimeter of the heart of the Calanques National Park defined in May 2009. This is a decision-making support document for the municipalities of Marseille, Cassis, la Ciotat, Ceyreste and Roquefort-la-Bédoule for changes to be made to the “heart of the project -projet de cœur-”.

Calanques National Park : Project for the “boundaries of the heart” of the Park. Problems and fringe issues, Urbanism Agency for the conurbation of Marseille, Marseille, Agam, 2010, 62p.


The North-Isere Urban Valley, a territory with much at stake
The Rhone-Alps Region ordered a diagnosis of the North-Isere territory from the network of three urbanism agencies, in view of the forthcoming launch of a  “Grand Projet Rhone-Alpes” (GPRA). The report gives an overview of the territory: highlighting the strong and weak points of the “North Isere Urban Valley” , from the long-term objective of the “Sustainable town”, the central theme of the Grand Projet.

“Grand Projet Rhone Alpes”, North Isere sustainable town: Initial Impressions of the territorial issues and project options : supporting role of the Region in the GPRA initiative.

Urbanism Agency of the Grenoble Region, Urbanism Agency of the Urban Community of Lyon, Rhone-Alps, Rhone-Alps Region Urbanism Agencies Network, 2009, 133p.


Rhone-Alps : sites of major economic Interest

As part of the structure set up to assess its land economy, the Region asked the Rhone-Alps network of urbanism agencies  to facilitate awareness of the economic key players’ situation and the long-term time scale of the follow-on of the various elements and strategies of economic players in terms of the land market throughout the Region. The document presents the current situation, the dynamics, and the issues, analyses the local strategies in terms of the property market, in each Department, and finally gives guidelines for reinforcing observation capacities in the Rhone-Alps.

Sites of major economic interest in the Rhone-Alps : current situation, dynamics and issues, Urbanism Agency for the Grenoble Region, Network of Rhone-Alps Urban Agencies, Rhone-Alps Region, 2009 59p


The urban conurbation project  for Grand Nancy

As requested by the urban community, the agency has carried out a re-reading of the fundamental principles of the urban area project together with external experts. The purpose of this reflective process is to construct a renewed strategic framework to allow the different themes of public policy to be more efficiently coordinated.  The new directives set out by the environmental law, Grenelle II,  clarify the background of the various documents: the United Nations initiative (Agenda 21) , a sustainable Local Housing Programme (PLH),  outlines for future economic development...

The urban conurbation project  for Grand Nancy.  Aspirations and commitments for a humanised urban conurbation, Urban Community of Grand Nancy,, Agency for Development and Urbanism in the Aire urbaine Nancéienne, Nancy, Aduan, 2011, 96 p.


Linking Places

From the Station to an Urban Project : analysis of the governance of projects in France

The protocol: the Station is the heart of a conurbation, aims at developing a large urban project around the Creil railway station by 2020, date at which the high-speed Picardie-Roissy connection will see the day. It has enabled a multi-partnership work collaboration to begin ( local authorities, transport authorities, the SNCF and RFF) and to propose exchanging on their experiences of projects similar to the Creil project :re-appropriation of industrial premises, a two sided,  double access station... in order to illustrate the diversity of different situations and solutions in terms of governance.

From the Station to an Urban Project : analysis of the governance/protocol “ Station, heart of the Creil conurbation”, Urbanism and Development Agency of the Oise Valley, Creil, Oise-la-Vallée, 2011, 53p.


Intermodality and rail services in the Nancy area

How to use the potential that railway networks offer the Nancy area, notably the peri-urban sectors ? How can the overall transport system be optimized while focusing on complementary rather than competitive coverage of the different AOT  (Transport Organising Authority)  networks  on the territory ? How to refocus on the railway and “bring the town back to the train services” by developing  Station-stops in districts of the towns.

Study for the improvement of inter-modality and railway services throughout the Nancy area, Development and Urban Agency for the Nancy Urban Area, Nancy, Aduan, 2011.


Seine Aval IDF (Ile de France) : a territory of major development for the Seine Axis

A densely populated area with intense commercial activity, the Seine Aval territory is mobilised by an ambitious planning and development project, federated and coordinated by the “Seine Aval” operation of national interest created in 2006. This document presents the project and the main characteristics of the Seine Aval territory. It underlines the development issues of the site’s port, waterway and logistical organisation of the Seine Axis.

Seine Aval IDF (Ile de France) : a territory of major development for the Seine Axis, Urbanism and Development Agency Seine Aval/ Public Development Body of Mantois Seine Aval, Les Mureaux, Audas, Epamsa, 2010, 61 p.


Paris, Rouen, Le Havre, Seine Axis. Essential data, a joint operation between the urbanism agencies


Rouen : Mad'Line Communication, 2011, 39 p.

This document is the result of a joint effort and was produced by the six urbanism agencies of the Paris Seine Normandy territory. The agencies were given the  mission of working together to produce a study document on the “the Seine axis” development project. Divided into four broad themes (economy, education and research, tourism, transport and mobility), it aims to nourish the debate by highlighting the numerous development advantages and potential of this territory  drained by the River Seine."


Mobility in the Rennes peri-urban areas

The four communities of the Communes of the Rennes Region have over the last two years created global mobility plans for the whole of their territory. Sharing diagnoses, suggesting solutions and instigating projects related to transport and mobility in the four communities of the municipalities constitutes the guiding principle of this work based on a common methodology.

Mobility in the Rennes peri-urban areas, Intercommunal Urbanism and Development Agency for the conurbation of Rennes, Rennes, Audiar, 2010, 48p.


Intermodal practices

Organising urbanisation around urban polarities, creating hubs of the necessary everyday facilities and services helps limit the distance travelled by inhabitants. However, this is a long term policy, carried out via the Territory Coherence Schemes-SCoT- of the Lyon Metropolitan Area, and is not able to respond to immediate needs. Insight into current inter-modal practices and related policies are allowing the possible avenues for progress to be identified.

The organisation of mobility and passenger interchange hubs in the Lyon Region : current situation and reflections, Urbanism Agency for the Development of the conurbation of Lyon, Lyon , Urbalyon, December 2010, 23p.


The Alés-Nîmes Axis Contract

The association of the conurbations of Nîmes and Alés has launched, with European aid, a partnership initiative to accompany the modernisation of the rail infrastructure through consultations on the organisation of the territories crossed by the railway (polarities, densification, urban developments, feeder services, intermodality, services in and around the station...). The objective in 2011  is to establish partnerships to share the financing and responsibility for different activities arising from a shared project.

The Alés-Nîmes Axis Contract : Diagnosis and territorial issues, urbanism section, Urbanism and Development Agency for the Nimes and Ales Region, Nimes, AUDRNA, 2010, 80p.


Urban mobility plan report for the Mulhouse conurbation

The report links statistical indicators and the progress of projects and also corresponds to the eighth update of the PDU( Urban Mobility Plan) Observatory.

2005- 2010 report on the Urban Mobility Plan for the Mulhouse conurbation, 8th publication of l’Observatoire, Urbanism Agency of the Mulhouse Region; Mulhouse Alsace conurbation, Mulhouse, AURM, 2010, 134p.


The LGV PACA (High-Speed train connection for Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur) and territory development

Summary report on the LGV PACA and the development of the territory throughout the metropolis of Marseille Provence and at a Regional level. The document consists of three initiatives : the work of the Mediterranean sector’s urbanism agencies network; the contribution of Agam to the TGV station projects in the Marseille metropolitan area and the analysis of complementary studies made by RFF in autumn 2008.

The LGV PACA (High-Speed train connection for Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur) territory development : Summary report, Urbanism Agency for the Marseille Agglomeration, Marseille, Agam, 2009, 29p


Rovaltrain, A major Rhone-Alpes project centred  around a TGV station

Since 1989, the project to create a TGV station in the Valence area has encouraged  local authority representatives to maximise the potential of such a structure. The Rovaltrain project was certified a “Major Rhone-Alp Project” in June 2006 by the Regional Council. The report analyses the strong points of the site, formulates the issues for the host territory and proposes a metropolitan development plan.

Rovaltrain Project in the Drôme : Final Report, Urbanism Agency of the Grenoble Region, Urbanism Agencies network of the Rhone-Alps, Rhône-Alpes Region, 2008, 64p


Mobility and territorial organisation in the Girondine metropolitan area for 2020. Towards a shared approach.

The blueprint for community urban mobility, drawn up in 1996, in accordance with the present day  functioning of Girondine , the changes in the territory, the vision of the key players in transport, urban strategies to simultaneously reflect on and organise the transport framework and  that of the territory.

Mobility and territorial organisation in the Girondine metropolitan area for 2020. Towards a shared approach. Urbanism Agency for the Bordeaux Metropole Aquitaine, Bordeaux, Aurba, 2008, 79p.


Arc Express. Urban issues. Report of the first phase.

This document summarises the achievements and work in progress presented to the Arc Express technical and steering committees between March and June, 2008.  This first instalment defines the parameters of the study and describes the conditions existing in the territories affected by Arc Express. It specifies the urban issues  linked to its construction.  It deals with questions connected to providing services for the population and jobs, to economic development, to urban structuring and renewal of the urban fabric.

Arc Express. Urban issues. Report of the first phase, Paris, Iau Ile-de-France, 2011, 64 p.


LGV (High-Speed train connection) Paris-Orleans-Clermont Ferrand-Lyon : services and development issues

With a view to the public debate on the LGV  “Paris – Orléans – Clermont-Ferrand – Lyon”, the six urbanism agencies potentially effected by the project ( IIle-de-France, Essonne-Seine-Orge, Orléans,Clermont-Ferrand, St-Etienne / Roanne, Lyon) have set up a work group. This publication summarises the level of services in the different territories and highlights the expectations regarding this major infrastructure project.

LGV (High-Speed train connection) Paris-Orleans-Clermont Ferrand-Lyon : services and development issues for the principle conurbations – Inter-agency reflection, Clermont Métropole Urbanism and Development Agency , Ile-de-France Institute of Development and Urbanism, Essonne Seine Orge Urbanism and Development Agency , Orléans conurbation Urbanism Agency,  Stéphanoise Région Urbanism Agency, Urbanism Agency for the development of  the Lyon conurbation, Clermont-Ferrand, September2009, 18 p.


LGV (High-Speed train connection) Paris-Orleans-Clermont Ferrand-Lyon : Territorial Development

Within the framework of the consultations of the Clermont Auvergne metropolitan network, certified by Datar in 2005, the connection of the TGV network is considered as one of the major elements of its development.  The perspective of the first high-speed line linking Paris to Lyon becoming saturated opens the opportunity of a second line being laid, passing as close as possible to Auvergne. This study,  apart from outlining possible routes, presents the key issues for the development of Auvergne as well as the advantages of a closer partnership with the Rhone-Alps.

LGV (High-Speed train connection) Paris-Orleans-Clermont Ferrand-Lyon : Contribution from the Clermont Auvergne metropolis network on territorial development, Clermont Metropole Urbanism and Development Agency, Clermont-Ferrand, September 2009, 32p.


The High Speed Rail Link (Ligne à Grande Vitesse) Paris-Orléans-Clermont-Lyon: projects, expectations, issues

Roanne has served as a crossroads for many years but today the city is hemmed in and this is holding back economic and demographic development. So important is the issue that, particularly in medium-sized towns, local authority representatives and decision makers have taken on the responsibility to accommodate the TGV (High Speed Rail). The POCL project  (Paris-Orléans-Clermont-Lyon) will bring two regions and two large cities closer. It is important that other large conurbations should also benefit, within a framework of sustainable development.

The High Speed Rail Link (Ligne à Grande Vitesse) Paris-Orléans-Clermont-Lyon: projects, expectations and issues. Proceedings of the conference of 13th October, 2009, Urbanism Agency  for the Stéphanoise Region, Saint-Etienne, Epures, 2009, 14p.


Some examples of Plans for re-locating businesses (PDE) across Europe

The Plans for Re-locating Businesses (PDE) presented in this study have been selected for their exemplary nature. They are all very original. They start, nevertheless from the same premise: the success of a PDE rests on global and integrated actions, including public transport policies, incentives and systems for managing demand and advice.

Some examples of Plans for re-locating businesses (PDE) across Europe, Paris, Iau Ile-de-France, 2011, pag. Div.


Developing a Corporate Travel Plan (PDE)

Based on experience in the Dunkirk territory with companies and authorities, Agur has produced a practical and methodological guide for the PDE initiative, a customised tool which makes it possible to act on all journeys related to work.

Developing a Corporate Travel Plan (PDE), initial feedback from the Dunkirk experience, 2005-2009, Urbanism and Development Agency of the Flanders-Dunkirk Region, Agur, September 2010, 46p.


Sud Loire Rail Access 2010-2030  (last article)

The complexity of the railway system that serves the Lyon conurbation has led the state to instigate a study mission of the “Lyon Railway Knot - nœud ferroviaire lyonnais -”. The conurbation of Saint-Etienne Métropole and Sud Loire are very much affected by this issue of access to the Region's big transport hubs. It is important to unravel the knot of the Lyon railway system so that the heart of the Lyon - Saint Etienne – Porte d’Isère Eurometropolis can once again become a functional junction.

Sud Loire Rail Access 2010-2030: a territorial contribution to the mission to reflect and  coordinate studies on the Lyon Railway Knot, The Stéphanois Region, Saint Eteinne, Epures Urbanism Agency, 2010, 47 p.
