Inspire directive

sous-rubrique - têtière - Communication des données publiques

The European directive INSPIRE is the principal and most recent text regulating the communication of public data.

It obliges public authorities, on the one hand, to render all data accessible to everybody by publishing it on internet and on the other, to share it among themselves.

The Inspire directive not only imposes these two obligations, it is in the process of facilitating their execution by publishing, at the moment; numerous technical texts: requirements (obligatory), recommendations, standards (based on world internet and geographical information standards).

The transposition of the directive into French law is expected in June 2010. The French National Geographic Institute( IGN) geoportal has been chosen by the French State  to centralise  the metadata on a national level.

Implimentation dates

- Metadata concerning the data of annexes:

n° I et II : 3 December 2010 (article)

n° III : 3 December 2013

- data concerning the annexes:

n° I, for new or greatly restructured data: 2012

n° I, for already existing data 2017

n° II  et III, for new or greatly restructured data: 2015

n° II  et III,  for already existing data: 2019

The Apur's web site will propose metadatas and the corresponding data.