International Consultation on "The gamble of developing Greater Paris"

During the inauguration of the Museum of Architecture and Heritage -Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine- , on 17th September 2007, the French President  announced the launching of an International Research and Development Consultation  “for the future of Metropolitan Paris”, with the prime objective of “gathering knowledge and strategic development propositions, leading to the collective drawing up of “perspective urban and landscape planning diagnoses for Grand Paris for the next twenty, thirty, even forty years to come.”

As a member of the Scientific Comity of the Consultation the  Apur contributed, between September 2007 and March 2009, to the work of 10 French and European multidisciplinary teams, generally considered as extremely enriching. An exhibition at the Cité de l'Architecture bears witness to this.

As a contribution to the debate with an extensive public, the Apur, in April 2009,  published “A brief summary of the gamble of developing Greater Paris -Le Grand Pari(s) de l’agglomération parisienne- ',in the Paris Projet- collection in which it pays homage to the teams' work while at the same time contributing to the debate.

This work also nourishes reflection undertaken by Paris Métropole to which the Apur contributes.

►Order the publication: A brief summary of the gamble of developing Greater Paris -Le Grand Pari(s) de l’agglomération parisienne-