Paris 2011-2016 Local Housing Programme - Interim review

Paris 2011-2016 Local Housing Programme - Interim review
An interim assessment report of the 2011-2016 Local Housing Programme, PLH, was carried out in June 2014 by Apur within the framework of the Paris Observatory of Housing and Living Conditions, supported by the City of Paris Department of Housing  and Living Conditions. The programme is made up of 67 actions divided into 4 main parts.
Part 1. Reach proactive, new housing objectives
  • The 2011-2016 PLH aims to expand possibilities for developing the housing provision and to produce 4,500 new housing units per year. The review shows that 4,475 housing units were authorised each year, according to the number of building permits given during the 2008-2013 period, with 5,442 issued per year from 2011 to 2013.
  • The 2011-2016 PLH fixed the objective of 20% social housing out of all principle residences by the end of 2013 and 25% by 2030. On 1st January 2014, the review showed 18.5% social housing according to the SRU law (estimation). If social housing which was financed but not yet completed is taken into account the potential level of SRU social housing at that date was 20.5%.   
Part 2. Adapt the new and existing housing stock to the diverse needs
The 2011-2016 PLH aims in particular to facilitate access to housing and to address the specific needs of disadvantaged people. The review shows that since 2008, nearly 12,000 housing units, managed by social housing organisations, have been allocated to people applying for housing within the territory of Paris. On average over 3,800 of these units were allocated to applications selected by the City of Paris in the context of its reserve stock procedures.
Part 3. Persevere in the social managing of the various aspects of the housing stock
The 2011-2016 PLH has in particular, the aim of preventing expulsion and encouraging households to remain in Paris. Numerous benefit schemes exist and the City of Paris has endeavored to make this information easily available for possible applicants and to optimise their involvement in order to improve &/or consolidate the housing situation for Parisian households. In addition, since the implementation of the PLH, the situation of expulsion of households appears clearly on the IT tool AIDA and is seriously considered in the allocation criteria for applicants to the City of Paris housing quota.
Part 4. Continue to rectify the housing stock bringing it into line with the Climate Plan objectives and environmental requirements.
The 2011-2016 PLH intends to continue its efforts to rectify the private housing stock and to avoid insalubrity. The review shows that the deterioration prevention policy has been followed through within the framework of a new operation to improve run-down housing (OAHD) which was launched at the end of 2011, and thanks to the Observatory for Preventing the Deterioration of Parisian Housing (OPDB), the City of Paris departments have an annually updated list of buildings likely to need to be integrated into the OAHD scheme.


Documents to download

  • Paris 2011-2016 Local Housing Programme - Interim review

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