38th National Meeting of Urbanism Agencies - Europe, places and links

38th National Meeting of Urbanism Agencies
The National Federation of Urbanism Agencies and the Urban Development Agency of the Strasbourg Conglomeration is organising,  with their partners, the 38th National Meeting of Urbanism Agencies on the 8th, 9th and 10th November 2017 in Strasbourg.
Enrollment is open. To register and  see the program,  the various workshops and visits, the posters and information click on the following link :  http://38eme-rencontre.adeus.org/
Is is not true to say that the territories currently involved in constructing European multi-memberships are moving through a transitional phase towards another Europe based on domains which are complementary to European institutions such as everyday lifestyles, public action and common culturel resources upon which we all draw? Is it not also the responsibility of cities and regions to identify, and strengthen groups and networks of territorial key players and citizens and the articulation between them in relation to these new dimensions so as to create new opportunities?
This congress will provide an opportunity to put a Europe of cities and territories into perspective, while the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg and the Strasbourg Regional Agency celebrates their 50 years of existence and that the Treaty of Rome, which created the European Economic Community celebrates its 60th anniversary.
Visit the website where you’ll find:
  • The Meeting’s preliminary program, which will be gradually be added to providing a fuller program and details about the workshops, visits and subject matter of the conference on 8th November…
  • A selection of central hotels - we encourage you to book your accommodation as early as possible!
  • A Com’ space where you can find the poster, photos, pre-program, communiqués, announcements, etc.
  • All the prices and the registration form - 5% reduction for the first 300 registered participants !