The Boulevard Périphérique ring road: a dynamic of urban projects

The Boulevard Périphérique ring road: a dynamic of urban projects  © Apur

All around the Boulevard Périphérique, both on the inner Parisian side and the outer one of neighbouring municipal communes, a unique dynamic of projects can be seen on a Greater Paris - Grand Paris - scale. These projects vary greatly, responding to common issues as well as those specific to particular areas and are developing within short, medium and long-term time frames

Common directions are emerging, and are discussed, particularly in the context of workshops on the Boulevard Périphérique: more connections, more nature and more local life.

21 mixed development zones (ZAC) are underway and 3 others are being studied. These new building projects are linked to major urban renewal programmes: 2 NPNRU have been launched in the north-east of Paris (Portes du 18e et Portes du 20e) and 1 in the south-east (Bédier-Oudiné), 2 in the Plaine Commune areas at Saint-Ouen (Rosiers-Debain) and Aubervilliers (Villette Quatre Chemins) and 2 in the Est Ensemble territory in Pantin (Quatre Chemins) and Pré-Saint-Gervais (Sept Arpents – Stalingrad).

There are also 37 development operations spread through over nine municipalities in Paris as well as Saint-Ouen, Malakoff, Ivry-sur-Seine, Saint-Mandé, Bagnolet and Aubervilliers.  

Added to these medium-term development operations, there are 24 calls for projects spread through the entire territory of the new green belt.
These projects are also an opportunity to create new public spaces and to reinforce greening in and around street blocks, in the new parks and public spaces. They contribute to the redefinition of existing neighbourhoods and the creation of new hubs of activity.


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    The Boulevard Périphérique ring road: a dynamic of urban projects

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