Data put on line in 2019

All new data made available on the Open Data platform and updates carried out during 2019.

© Pixabay

The Agency has participated in the Open Data initiative since 2014, and continues to enrich its platform by regularly updating it and adding new data. 

You can find the new available data on the platform as well as data updated in 2019 here.

New data in 2019 :


Data updated in 2019 :


New data in 2019

- Population Census
Jardin d'Eole - familles installées sur la pelouse, en train de pique niquer © David Boureau - Apur

Statistics on the population are taken from the latest data made available in 2015. These data are proposed to IRIS (street-blocks in groups for statistical information) or the municipal commune for the whole of Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-. Databases of detailed figures provide all the necessary data for calculating results in customised areas.

Apur gathered “key figure” indicators from this database and the INSEE infra-municipal database and added new indicators calculated on the theme of the population (the population and its evolution between 2010 and 2015, the average, annual, evolution rate of the population over the last 5 years, the percentage of foreigners in the population, etc.).

Geographical area : Grand Paris
Municipal commune data :
IRIS data :

- Census data on households
Berges de seine rive droite © Jean-Baptiste Gurliat - Ville de Paris

Statistics on the population are taken from the latest data made available in 2015. These data are proposed to IRIS (street-blocks in groups for statistical information) or the municipal commune for the whole of Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-. Databases of detailed figures provide all the necessary data for calculating results in customised areas.

Apur gathered “key figure” indicators from this database and the INSEE infra-municipal database and added new indicators calculated on the theme of households (number of households, average size of households, number of families with a child or children aged under 25, etc.).

Geographical area : Grand Paris
Municipal commune data :
IRIS data :

- Census data on employment
image de chantier  © Pixabay

Statistics on the population are taken from the latest data made available in 2015. These data are proposed to IRIS (street-blocks in groups for statistical information) or the municipal commune for the whole of Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-. Databases of detailed figures provide all the necessary data for calculating results in customised areas.

Apur gathered “key figure” indicators from this database and the INSEE infra-municipal database and added new indicators calculated on the theme of employment (number of people employed aged 15 and over, level of unemployment among 15-64 year olds, density of employment, etc.). 

Geographical area : Métropole du Grand Paris
Municipal commune data :
IRIS data :

- Census data on housing
QPV Didot - Porte de Vanves Opération Broussais rue des Mariniers Construction d’un ensemble immobilier de 350 logements dont 70% en accession libre et 30% en locatif social, d’une résidence de 95 studios, d’une résidence universitaire, d’une crèche, de commerces, d’un centre communal d’action sociale et des parkings. Equipes lauréates du concours en 2011  Atelier Castro-Denissof-Casi (mandataire) / Pablo Katz Architecture /Atelier Marjolijn et Pierre Boudry / Muriel Germak et Dominique Bachelier livraison 2016 © Arnauld Duboys Fresney

Statistics on the population are taken from the latest data made available in 2015. These data are proposed to IRIS (street-blocks in groups for statistical information) or the municipal commune for the whole of Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-. Databases of detailed figures provide all the necessary data for calculating results in customised areas.

Apur gathered “key figure” indicators from this database and the INSEE infra-municipal database and added new indicators calculated on the theme of housing (number of housing units and their evolution between 2010 and 2015, number of vacant housing units, average number of occupants per room in main residences, etc.)

Geographical area : Grand Paris
Municipal commune data :
IRIS data :

- Census data on training
collège provisoire Saint-Exupéry à Vincennes © Philippe Mas - Cougnaud Construction

Statistics on the population are taken from the latest data made available in 2015. These data are proposed to IRIS (street-blocks in groups for statistical information) or the municipal commune for the whole of Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-. Databases of detailed figures provide all the necessary data for calculating results in customised areas.

Apur gathered “key figure” indicators from this database and the INSEE infra-municipal database and added new indicators calculated on the theme of training (population aged 15 or over who are not at school and have their high school diploma -baccalauréat-, etc).

Geographical area : Grand Paris
Municipal commune data :
IRIS data :

- Cycle facilities
Boulevard Bourdon, Paris  © Guillaume Bontemps - Mairie de Paris

All bicycle facilities throughout the Ile-de-France available on the Open Street Map. This data layer addresses cartographic needs (and/or statistics) for  representing cycle facilities in different ways (in 10 or 21 items).  

Geographical area : Ile-de-France
Data link :

- Petrol stations (petrol station to services centre - study)
Station-service - Avenue Émile Zola, Paris (15e) © Apur - Hanna Darabi

The location of petrol stations and a description of their main characteristics (type, surface area, owner, etc.) as well as their capacity or not to accommodate new energies (NGV, Hydrogen, electric vehicle recharge equipment). In 2019 there were altogether 402 petrol stations in Grand Paris: 98 within Paris and 304 in the inner ring of suburbs -Petite Couronne- and the 7 municipal communes of the outer suburbs -Grande Couronne- that lie within Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris- boundaries. All together these petrol stations cover 58.7 hectares and each have an average size of 1,461 m²  

An interactive map is available 

Geographical area: Grand Paris
Data link :

- Rollout status of FTTP network to street blocks (fibre - study)
© / JarekJoepera

Rollout status of fibre optic networks for the general public or FttH (Fibre to the Home), subject to regulations, for each land plot in Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-. 

Available access to FttH for land plots is deduced from the Arcep geolocalised data available on FttH building by building, in the 4th quarter of 2018, available on: 

Geographical area : Grand Paris
Data link :  


Data updated in 2019

- Development areas
éco-quartier Clichy-Batignolles  © Marc VERHILLE

The census on development operations throughout the Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-.  Areas considered to be undergoing development operations: 
- study areas which have been approved by a municipal decision (at a council meeting for example),
- development areas whose impact is being studied or are undergoing a preliminary consultation procedure,
- areas identified in local urbanism documents such as provisional boundary lines and sectors where planned development is indicated in documents distributed by the local authority. 

Geographical area: Métropole du Grand Paris
Data link :


- Projects for public or private non-constructed land
Rue de Noisy-le-Sec Paris 20e © Apur – Arnauld Duboys Fresney

Occupation of non-constructed land that is under study or included in the known, overall layout of various development operations. These areas may be public or private. The information concerns, among other things, the type of project, the land use, its state of advancement and the previsional date of delivery. 

Geographical area: Grand Paris
Data link :  

- Projects in built-up areas  

Building projects that are represented as occupied land in the known overall layout of different development operations. The information linked to a building involves among other things the type of project, its main use, its state of progress and the previsional date of delivery. 

Geographical area: Grand Paris
Data link : 

- Local Urbanism Plan -PLU-
Sevran : le secteur du canal de l’Ourcq et du sud de la ville ©

3 types of proposed data are made available in the context of work carried out on PLUs of municipal communes in the Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-:
- Zoning of municipal PLUs:
- Inventory check of land occupation regulations:
- Inventory check of maximum height regulations:
Geographical area: Grand Paris

- Construction in Paris
 Bibliothèque Forney © Sophie Robichon/Ville de Paris

Building footprints (or portion of a building) which correspond to their land occupation and enable information on their dating and height to be simulated.

Geographical area: Paris
Data link :  


- Construction in the inner ring of suburbs -Petite Couronne-
Vitry sur Seine : la RD5 avenue Maximilien Robespierre et avenue Youri Gagarine  ©

The Parisian area of constructed land is extended into the Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris- however this only accesses the graphic part and characteristics obtained from processing digital elevation models which does not enable information as exhaustive as that for Paris to be attained. The breakdown of land occupation not having been carried out, the differentiation of height is not as detailed.

Geographical area: Municipal communes of Grand Paris outside Paris
Data link :  

- Geothermal potential (in the framework of the map published for the Local Energy Plan)
Centrale géothermique de Villejuif (94) © Apur

Identification of land plots with individual housing that are conducive to surface geothermal energy (0-200m)  following the sounding and estimation of their theoretical related potential. This potential is gauged throughout the Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-.

Geographical area: Grand Paris
Data link :  

- 800m station perimeters
Vue sur l'un des chantiers d'une future gare du Grand Paris Express © Société du Grand Paris / David Delaporte

The area within an 800 metre perimeter around the 69 future Grand Paris Express stations with numerous associated INSEE statistics. These data should be linked to publications by the Observatory of Grands Paris Express Station Neighbourhoods available on the Apur site using a data-visualisation tool.

Geographical area: Grand Paris 
Data link:

- Protected heritage buildings 
Musée National de la Céramique à Sèvres © Apur

3 different data sets assemble:
- buildings under municipal protection (Local Urbanism Plans -PLU- of Paris and inner suburban -Petite Couronne- municipal communes when regulatory documents are available);
- buildings in city gardens (concerted housing schemes where individual or multi-dwelling social housing and the road network are integrated into public or private green areas);
- buildings endowed with the “20th century Label” (official French certification label created on 18th June 1999 by the  Ministry of Culture and awarded by the the Regional Prefect). It simply draws the general public’s attention to certified buildings by means of an information plaque. Edifices produced in the 20th century which are already protected as historical monuments are automatically  given the certification label.

Geographical area : Grand Paris
Data link:  

- Boundaries of protected heritage
Cité-jardin de Suresnes - Henri Sellier 1921-1956 © Apur - David Boureau

3 different data sets assemble:
The easement regulations for the Enhancement of Architectural Heritage Areas (AMVAP) which on 14 July 2015 replaced the Protected Architectural, Urban  and Landscape Heritage Zones (ZPPAUP);
-    the boundaries of city gardens englobing concerted housing schemes where individual or multi-dwelling social housing and the road network are integrated into public or private green areas;
-    buildings endowed with the “20th century Label” (official French certification label created on 18th June 1999 by the  Ministry of Culture and awarded by the the Regional Prefect). It simply draws the general public’s attention to the certified buildings by means of an information plaque. Edifices produced  in  the 20th century which are already protected as historical monuments are automatically given the certification label.

Geographical area: Grand Paris
Data link :

- Municipal Communes on 1st January 2019 

The boundaries of the 1,280 municipal communes in Ile-de-France. One particularity is that Paris is both a municipal commune and an administrative department.

Geographical area: Ile-de-France
Data link : 

- Public Establishment of Intercommunal Cooperation EPCI on 1st January 2019

All the Public Establishment of Intercommunal Cooperation - EPCI- groups of municipal communes in Ile-de-France. These groups are organised into four categories: communities of conglomerations (CA), communities of municipal communes (CC), syndicates of new conglomerations (SAN) and new public territorial establishments (EPT) in the Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-.

Geographical area: Ile-de-France
Data link :  

- Roads 
Paris 18 : Le secteur de la Porte de la Chapelle  ©

A schematic representation that is aggregated by road names of public and private roads in Paris and the inner ring of suburbs -Petite Couronne-. A single road is a defined location that is named by a municipal bylaw or, in the case of a private road, authorised by an administrative decision.

Geographical area: Grand Paris
Data link :


- Road sections
Vue de l'entrée du  TAM et BSPP Brigade de sapeurs-pompiers de Paris depuis la nouvelle impasse qui longe le périphérique boulevard extérieur depuis la porte de Saint-Ouen  © David Boureau - Apur

Road sections schematically represent the network of public and private roads leading off from their central axis. The end of a section generally corresponds to where one road crosses another (be it the end or not), or at the end of a dead end road.

Geographical area: Grand Paris
Data link :  


- Street blocks
plan îlots physiques  © Apur

The division of the metropolitan territory into street blocks. Street blocks are areas whose boundary lines are marked out by the road network and administrative  boundaries (neighbourhoods, municipal communes) and sometimes by major natural or non-natural breaks in the urban fabric (rivers, railway lines…).

Geographical area: Grand Paris
Data link : 


- Facilities (land use polygons and points)
Bibliothèque Forney  © Sophie Robichon - Ville de Paris

Census of facilities in Paris, Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne. Data proposed are graphic, descriptive or of surface areas. They concern facilities of varying types: 
- Teaching and education (specialised education, primary and secondary education…)
==>Points :
==>Polygons :
- Infants (day-nurseries, drop-in child care centres…)
==>Points :
==>Polygons : (stadiums, tennis courts, skateparks…)
==> Points :
==> Polygons :
Cultural and leisure activities (libraries, museums, theatres…)
==> Points :
==> Polygons :
Social welfare (maternal care centres, hostels for migrant workers, social centres…)
==> Points :
==> Polygons :
Green areas (woods, forests,  nursery gardens, parks…)
==> Points :
==> Polygons :
Health (hospitals, clinics, maternity hospitals, community health centres…)
==> Points :
==> Polygons :
Municipal services - General/regional council (municipal halls, covered markets…)
==> Points :
==> Polygons :
Social security - Employment - integration (social security centres, URSSAF, labour inspectorate…)
==> Points :
==> Polygons :
State & international administration and services (tax offices, courthouse, police stations,  consulates…)
==> Points :
==> Polygons :
Transport infrastructure (RER stations, bus stations, airports…)
Point  marked:
Worship (places of worship, convents, seminaries…)
==> Points :
==> Polygons :
Cemeteries (cemeteries, crematoriums…) 
==> Points :
==> Polygons :
Monuments (sites and places open to tourists…)
==> Points :
==> Polygons :

Geographic area: Grand Paris

- Land used for economic activity - independent bodies (agricultural land, concrete plants…)
La menuiserie d’art « Maleville » 66 rue Saint-Dominique, Paris 7e © François Mohrt - Apur

This layer gives detailed representation of all private land use. It includes the following sub-categories:
- Agricultural land
- Commercial centres, Department Stores
- Industrial activity
- Handicrafts 
- Places of trade
- Service stations, Petrol stations
- Services sector, office sector
- Quarries, sand quarries
- Cement plants
- Forestry depots

Geographic area: Grand Paris
Data link :

New data and updates to come :

- Data on reserved PLU sites
- Street blocks and facilities




