Offices in Paris

Offices in Paris © Apur

Office space in Paris in 2020 represented a little over 21 million m², that is nearly 40% of the surface area of businesses in Paris. The majority of floorspace accounted for as private or public in the map involves entire buildings. This is due to the method of calculating surface areas. The process, initiated in 2015, with the collaboration of the firm “HBS, the Place of Real Estate - La place de l’immobilier -”, made it possible to locate office buildings of over 1,000 m² in Paris. In order to find these office areas, it was necessary to cross-reference surface areas of over 1,000 m² of business activity from the DGFIP (General Directorate for Public Finance) file with addresses in the Insee SIRENE file on businesses with over 50 employees. Office occupancy was deduced from three elements:

  • The presence of employment (with an average surface area per employee of 20 m²).
  • A company name compatible with a services sector. destination.
  • The presence of transactions or the supply of services in the building.


Documents to download

  • Map

    Offices in Paris

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