The Greater Paris -Metropole du Grand Paris- (MGP) is a densely occupied territory which is almost completely urbanised. 7 million people were living there on 1st January 2015 according to the Insee population census. MGP has 8,600 inhabitants per km² covering a surface area of 861 km², that is 86 people per hectare while the rest of Ile-de-France accommodates only 4.5 per hectare, according to the IRIS MGP scale of reference. The density of the population is not homogenous throughout the metropolis. The central area is the most dense with over 500 inhabitants per hectare in Parisian districts and certain peripheral districts and lower density, going down to under 50 people per hectare, notably in the south east areas of Territoires Grand Paris Sud Est Avenir and Grand-Orly Seine Bièvre.