As complementary to the publication of the Atlas of Sports Activities in Paris, the Agency listed 1,006 public sports facilities: 409 indoor sports venues and 597 outdoor facilities, among which are free-access sports facilities in public spaces (fitness areas, city stadiums, etc.). 485 private sports venues complete the sports offer in Paris, a figure that has risen by 71% since 2014.
Since 2020, 175 projects to create and renovate sports facilities have been initiated, 91 were finalised in May 2023, 55 will be delivered by the summer of 2024 and the Olympic and Paralympic Games and 29 will be completed after 2024..
These projects reinforce the sports character of the Parisian “Green Belt”, while at the same time improving residents access to local sports facilities. With 3.5 million people present in Paris in the daytime, sports facilities and venues with free sports activities are in very high demand.
16 projects involve creating new facilities, 107 the renovation and extension of existing facilities.
The creations, renovations and improvement of 35 playgrounds were counted (including 25 for 3x3 basket-ball). 8 projects involve the development of public space, among which are big sports trails across Paris, the two main ones being (north-south and east-west) which will be finalised in 2024.
Lastly, temporary swimming pools set up in City of Paris facilities (notably in the Carpentier, Didot and Louis Lumière sports centres) will open up Parisians’ access to water-based recreational activities during the summer. The need to cool off and refresh oneself in the city, like swimming in the Bassin de la Villette, will eventually be improved along with sites for swimming in the Seine, a legacy of the 2024 Games.