This interactive map is based on the Apur project database (DB). It makes it possible to have a detailed vision of transformations underway and those to come by proposing all the development operations, public space and public transport projects in the Parisian Metropolis.
The project DB makes it possible to carry out the analyses necessary to understand the transformations on the metropolitan territory as a whole and on all scales. It is made up of two parts:
- development projects
- public transport projects
The data are regularly updated which also permits each of the studies produced by Apur to be enriched and for visions of the future to be worked on with as full and detailed information as possible.
- Development projects are multi-scale and therefore multi-layered (sectors, sub-sectors, plots, buildings, non-built space).
- Sectors contain diverse information, notably on its type (sensitive urban zones ZAC, perimeters of urban regrouping PRU, sectors on the waiting list,…) its progress (being studied, underway, completed,…), the project management, as well as elements of the programme (surface area of housing, offices, …).
- Buildings and non-built space are also defined by their type and state of progress.
- Public transport projects include stations and lines, also defined by their various attributes (means of transport, in-service date, project management, …).
The sources of data are diverse:
- City of Paris: Department of Urbanism
- Local and territorial municipalities: Communes, Communities of the conurbation, Ile-de-France Regional and Inter-Departmental Department of Infrastructures and Development -DRIEA, Departmental Council
- Others: Mixed economy companies -SEM, the Pavillon de l’Arsenal, the Orly Rungis Seine Amont Public Development Establishment -EPA-ORSA, the Ile-de-France Urbanism and Development Institute -IAU-IDF, …
- Concerning the transport project data: Ile-de-France Transport Syndicate -STIF, the Greater Paris public transport company -Société du Grand Paris. Please note that the train lines are given merely as information.
The application makes it possible to carry out diverse thematic analyses by superimposing forward looking information onto basic data on the present day map.
Proposing intuitive browsing through the “layers” of data with shown scales of up to 1/1000, the application enables consultation of development projects on different levels (sectors, buildings, non-built space), as well as transport projects on the scale of the Parisian metropolis.
The application also integrates different locations (by project, by station, by address), measuring tools, GeoMarkers and a printing tool.
Data on development projects integrated into this application can also be downloaded on the Open Data site and can be manipulated using external tools or integrated into new applications.
Please note: this application was previously called “CASSINI BD Projects”