Apur has compiled a collection of data on Parisian buildings which show the evolution of Paris over the past 20 years : square metres constructed, population, employment.

Paris is both largely established and in perpetual evolution. Apur has exploited a dozen or so sources in an attempt to assess this dynamic: the evolution of the population, employment, housing, construction, green spaces.
These figures bring to light some information:
- A slight increase in the population during this period.
- A faster rise in employment, than in the surface area of offices constructed revealing a certain spacial constriction as well as indicating the development of new forms of employment.
- Progress of the housing stock, mainly as secondary residences and short term accommodation.
- A slight increase in the density of construction particularly on land holdings newly open to urbanisation, former railway rights-of-way (Paris Left Bank, Rungis, Batignolles and the Jardin d’Éole park).