2,187,526 inhabitants in Paris on 1st January 2017

Publication of the annual note analysing the population census in Paris and the Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-.

© Apur - Clément Pairot

In 2017 the population of Paris was 2,187,526. The number of inhabitants in Paris had continued to decrease but at a slower rate. Two districts had an increase in their population between 2012 and 2017 (the 4th and 19th). In the 9th and 13th districts the number of inhabitants remained stable. The drop in the  population is due principally to an increase in the number of unoccupied housing units (14.5% in 2012 and 17.5% in 2017), by a lower birth rate and by the ageing of the population. The number of deaths has risen since 2014 (+2.1% per year), but at a slower rate than in the region (2.9% per year)  and the nation as a whole (3.1% per year). 

In the Métropole du Grand Paris the population grew at an average of 0.3% each year, that is a slower rate than during the previous period 2007-2012 (+0.5%). This growth is mainly due to the notable rise in the population seen in Plaine Commune, Est Ensemble, Paris Terres d’Envol as well as the T12 - Grand Orly Seine Bièvre (>=1% per year). On the other hand, in Paris and Paris Ouest La Défense the population decreased. 


Documents to download

  • Note

    2,187,526 inhabitants in Paris on 1st January 2017

    Format : pdf, 5.42 MB
  • Chart of additional data - Note 168

    Format : xlsx, 16.56 KB