4 October 2016 – The Grand Paris Metropolis became a member of the Paris Urbanism Agency

Métropole du Grand Paris
On Friday, 30th September, the metropolitan council of the Grand Paris Metropolis decided in favour of the Metropolis becoming a member of the Paris Urbanism Agency (Apur). The Grand Paris Metropolis joined the Apur Board of Directors and became its 22nd member.
It will be represented by Mme Valérie MAYER-BLIMONT (Metropolitan delegate reporting to the President, Metropolitan Councillor, Deputy Mayor of Santeny) and her deputy M. Xavier LEMOINE (Metropolitan delegate and Mayor of Montfermeil), M. Olivier KLEIN (Vice-President of the Grand Paris Metropolis, Mayor of Clichy) and his deputy Mme Sylvie SIMON-DECK (Metropolitan Councillor and Mayor of Créteil), as well as M. Ivan ITZKOVITCH (Metropolitan Councillor and Deputy Mayor of Rosny) and his deputy Mme Claire MAYOLY-FLORENTIN (Metropolitan Councillor and Deputy Mayor of Asnières).
For Patrick Ollier, President of the Grand Paris Metropolis, “this membership is consistent with the ongoing construction of the metropolitan project. Apur’s contributions will enrich our discussions and our actions in the implementation of this project”.
This membership consolidates Apur’s metropolitan base as well as its double sphere of activity in both Paris and the Metropolis. As Claude Dargent, President of Apur and a Paris City councillor emphasizes,  “welcoming the Grand Paris Metropolis onto our Board of Directors reflects the Agency’s commitment to openness, as a place of study and discussion for he advancement of Parisian and metropolitan urban policies now and in the future”.
In support of this, the members of Apur’s Board of Directors (the City and Department of Paris, the Government, the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Paris Independent Transport Authority (RATP), the Grand Paris Transport and Development Organisation (Société du Grand Paris) and Paris Métropole) decided in June 2015, to open Apur’s governance bodies to new members.
The following organisations have also become members: Est Ensemble, Grand Orly Seine Bièvre, Grand Paris Seine Ouest (Association of Local Authorities and Inter-communalities), the Conglomeration of Paris Interdepartmental Sanitation Syndicate (SIAAP), the Paris Periphery Inter-communal Energy and Communication Networks Syndicate (SIPPEREC), the Department of Public Highways and Transport (STIF), the Inter-communal Syndicate for the Treatment of Household Waste (Syctom), (Association of Technical Unions), the Public Hospitals of Paris Organisation (APHP), the Paris Water Board (Eau de Paris), the Ile-de-France Regional Public Institution for University Development (EPAURIF), the Grand Paris Development Organisation (Grand Paris Aménagement), Paris Habitat, the Paris Port Authority (Haropa - Ports de Paris),  SNCF Real Estate (SNCF Immobilier) (Association of Public Entities).
Press contact: Quentin TRETON: email  – 01 42 76 24 59
The Paris Urbanism Agency: Apur is an association (under the terms of the 1901 law) founded in 1967 whose main missions are the study and analysis of urban and social change in Paris and its metropolis. Apur presents a series of overall pictures, both present and future, in order to get a better understanding and idea of the city. The Agency is a tool serving public planning and development policies, and every year, together with its 22 members, it puts together a work programme detailing all the studies, observatories and data processing which it is responsible for carrying out.


Documents to download

  • Press pack - 4 October 2016 – The Grand Paris Metropolis became a member of the Paris Urbanism Agency

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