Apur'Café #14: A Low Emission Zone for Metropolitan Mobility, elements to understand

© Apur'Café

This Apur'Café #14 presents what a Mobility - Low Emission Zone is. 

With a toll of 6,600 premature deaths and 400,000 people still breathing extremely polluted air in the Greater Paris - Grand Paris Metropolis, improving the air quality remains a health issue of prime importance. Road traffic, which is responsible for 51% of NOx, 23% of PM2.5 and 24% of PM10 in the Metropolis, is one of the principal sources of air pollution. 

Faced with this situation, the City of Paris, and then the Grand Paris Metropolis, decided to put in place a Mobility - Low Emission Zone - (m-LEZ). In the context of the call for projects “Breathable Cities in 5 years”, the Grand Paris Metropolis committed to carrying out studies aimed at implementing a Mobility-Low Emission Zone on a metropolitan scale in order to reduce pollutant emissions produced by road traffic.

Apur accompanies and coordinates, for the Metropolis, studies on the social and economic impacts of this M-LEZ which are organised in four books, with contributions from Airparif, DRIEA, Île-de-France Mobilités and ORS in order to respectively assess the effects on air quality, road traffic, public transport and the expected health benefits. These books summarise and compile all aspects studied of the impact of the next stage, scheduled for mid-2021, which will restrict vehicles up to Crit’Air 4 within the perimeter bordered by the A86 motorway (A86 excluded). They also recapitulate on the existing support measures for the renewal of vehicles in favour of cleaner forms of transport and prepare the ground for subsequent stages. The gradual implementation of traffic restrictions gives the general public and the economic players the time to adapt and to take advantage of the experiments and actions taken since the beginning of the health crisis to support new life-styles and rhythms and ways of getting about.


With contributions by: 

  • Olivier Richard, Director of Studies, urban geographer
  • Anaïs Lo Pinto, Study Manager, urban engineer

Publications carried out by:
Anaïs Lo Pinto and Michèle-Angélique Nicol
under the direction of Patricia Pelloux and Olivier Richard

Maps, statistical processing and contributions:
Alain Beauregard, Marcelin Boudeau, Christine Delahaye, Florence Hanappe, Clément Mariotte, Marie Molinier, Sandra Roger, Anne Servais, Anne-Marie Villot.


Documents to download

  • Webinar

    Presentation of the webconférence #14: A Low Emission Zone for Metropolitan Mobility, elements to understand

    Format : pdf, 5.05 MB
  • Study

    Key data by municipality - M-LEZ in Grand Paris Metropolis

    Format : pdf, 105.16 MB
  • Study

    Accompanying measure - M-LEZ in Grand Paris Metropolis

    Format : pdf, 52.96 MB
  • Study

    Summary of studies on health, social end economic impacts - Mobility-LEZ in Grand Paris Metropolis

    Format : pdf, 21.84 MB
  • Document

    Provisional program of web conferences - Part 5

    Format : pdf, 205.1 KB