The area around the Porte d’Italie

N12P_51 – têtière actu – Les abords de la porte d'Italie APBROAPU547

As an area which is both inter-communal and metropolitan the Porte d’Italie is currently the object of projects being developed by numerous partners: the Government, the Police Prefecture, the General Council of the 94 Department CG94, The Community of the Val de Bièvre Conurbation CAVB, the Parisian City Transport Authority RATP, the towns of Kremlin-Bicêtre, Gentilly, Ivry-sur-Seine and the city of Paris.

In order to satisfactorily co-ordinate the different time-scales of the projects being planned or already under-way in the Porte d’Italie area it is wise to consider now the medium and long-term hypotheses for future urban development.

Since 2003, the hub of the road system infrastructure at this gateway to the city  has been the subject of successive studies. The main issue consists of improving traffic flow throughout the sector. Certain building projects such as the A6b and the RD7 are under way; others will begin in 2012, and yet others are waiting for an urban planning team to be appointed. Associated public space projects cannot  be carried out successfully unless all that is still to be done, on all these projects of different scales, is taken into account. Inter-communal discussion has to remain a priority in this sector where, the state, the Police Department, the CG94, the CAVB, the RATP, the towns of Kremlin-Bicêtre, Gentilly, Ivry-sur-Seine and the city of Paris are all involved.


Documents to download

  • Note de 12 pages n° 51 – The area around the Porte d’Italie APBROAPU547

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