Assessment of the 2007-2010 Paris urban contract for social cohesion (CUCS) Summary report

Assessment of the 2007-2010 Paris urban contract for social cohesion (CUCS)
The CUCS, a reference framework for urban policy making, were signed for a period of three years (2007-2011). Within Paris this urban contract for social cohesion involves 14 neighbourhoods and a population of 300,000 inhabitants, that is 4 % of the total Parisian population.
The Paris CUCS assessment procedure will have lasted over two years. The aim being to monitor implemented programmes, evaluate their efficiency and propose ways of improving them. Through a critical, constructive and propositional assessment procedure, local teams, associations,  urban policy makers and their partners are involved in the assessment process.
Although only a part of the profusion of contributions are recounted, this report  covers the main results of the public action by theme (employment, social links …)  for each of the priority neighbourhoods. It emerges that the CUCS objectives of most of the strategic programmes were on the whole achieved :  signalling employment schemes to local inhabitants, reinforcing public services in the area, developing public health centres, providing places to seek legal advice, diversification of the social housing offer, setting up schemes for improving  achievement levels in schools. The improvement measures which ensued  from the assessment are now being debated.


Documents to download

  • Assessment of the 2007-2010 Paris urban contract for social cohesion (CUCS) Summary report

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