Atlas of businesses in Paris - Real estate inventory

This atlas of service businesses is the first detailed and exhaustive inventory of the proportion of  real estate taken up by offices, retail outlets and public and private facilities in Paris. It is also the initial stage of a more wide-reaching study on the issue of the energy efficiency in the services sector.


Initiated at the request of the City of Paris Urban Ecology Agency, this atlas of businesses is the initial stage of a broader work on the issue of energy efficiency of businesses. Due to the ambitious objectives of the Parisian Climate Plan (notably carbon neutrality and a 50% reduction of energy consumption), the services sector and its 59 million m², i.e. over 45% of the total floor area in Paris, should also evolve in order to contribute to achieving these objectives.

Infographie - Atlas des activités à Paris - Inventaire de l’immobilier © Apur


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    Atlas of businesses in Paris - Real estate inventory

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