The study on the Parisian metropolitan road system began in 2012 in response to the realization that it was incomplete and needed to be transformed to deal with the metropolitan changes linked to the evolution of mobility, densification and air quality objectives. The study is being carried out in partnership with the Grand Paris Express Company -SGP-, the Ile-de France Regional and Interdepartmental Department of Infrastructure and Development - DRIEA -, The City of Paris, the Departmental Councils of Val-de-Marne, Seine-Saint-Denis and Hauts-de-Seine, as well as with the Ile-de-France Region and Ile-de-France Transport Syndicate -STIF-.
The major roads, old A-roads -routes nationales- and royal roads -routes royales-, are public spaces which form the foundations of the urban make up and are remarkable historically, for their continuing role, their layout and their alignment.
In May 2015, the workshop on metropolitan boulevards brought together the study’s partners, managers of the the conurbation’s main roads, the Val-d’Oise Departmental Council, designers and project managers. The examples discussed showed the many different challenges and possible responses.
The workshop allowed common development principals to be defined and underlined the importance that the various key players be co-ordinated (SGP, STIF, developers, local authorities, Departmental Councils …)