The data from the Paris Business Databank -BDCom- show to what extent Paris continues to be a dynamic and attractive capital from a business point of view, with over 62,000 retail outlets, craft workshops and local services. Paris boasts 280 businesses per 10,000 inhabitants - the highest number per inhabitant in France and is one of the most important shopping destinations in Europe. What Paris offers commercially is thus quite exceptional. Even so, there are continuing difficulties at a local level: certain neighborhoods have too few shops and local services; others are affected by a higher-than-average number of vacant premises; others have become over-specialised in certain activities. The identification of these factors of under-supply, vacant premises and mono-activities has revealed the geographical location of these issues affecting business. Very often, the territories concerned are situated in the outskirts of Paris and extend into the inner suburbs, particularly in areas covered by the City of Paris urban policy.
Today, the municipality is aiming to launch a plan to revitalise business in districts which are in difficulty, through a Crafts and Retail Revitalisation Contract inspired by the actions of Vital’Quartier. This has been effective in reducing the number of vacant business premises and increasing diversification. Analysis has shown that a large area situated in the suburbs and certain central and surrounding neighborhoods are calling for this kind of intervention. In particular, these actions should focus on those areas with a lot of social housing and back up other actions to be undertaken in areas which consist predominantly of private housing.