The City of Paris offer of business premises, an influencing factor in the new economy

City of Paris offer of business premises
Business premises made available to companies by the City of Paris in 2014 amounted to 300,000 m2 accommodating over a thousand companies and 11,000 employees. This stock has grown immensely over the past years (+80,000 m2 from 2001 to 2013) and will continue to do so with 29,000 m2   programmed between 2015 and 2018. On top of this are the privately financed projects, notably the digital business incubator Halle Freyssinet with 1000 Start Up companies due in an area of 30,000 m2   by 2016-2017.
2000-2010 saw a growing diversification of structures to adapt the offer of premises better to the needs of young entrepreneurs. The selection of companies targeting those from the most innovative digital, creative,  design ... sectors  led to  start-up companies being accommodated  in new structures. But also in the already existing - hôtels industriels - office buildings as resident companies gradually left.
This note gives information about the .municipal premises on offer, their characteristics and how companies use them. This work is the outcome of collaboration with the City of Paris (Department of economic development, employment and higher education) in the context of Apur’s 2013-2014 partnership work programme on business property.


Documents to download

  • The City of Paris offer of business premises, an influencing factor in the new economy

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