This study expands on the reflections concerning raw water management in cities, reflections which have formed part of Apur’s partnership programme since 2010. Its aim is to present a forward-looking vision of the place of alternative drinking water resources in the urban environment and to better understand how these resources are dealt with today and how they could be in the future, at different levels.
This study was undertaken in 2014 and 2015, with the support of the City of Paris Department of Sanitation and Water (DPE), and aims to put metropolitan rainwater management into perspective.
This first part concerns Paris and the three riverside departments which over the past few years have undertaken the task of deciding in which areas rainwater would be purified. The hydrogeological, technical and regulatory conditions differ within these various territories.
The prescribed approaches and methods, scaled to the size of the centre of the Parisian metropolis, have been verified and collated with the guidelines for the Sanitation Master Plan of the Greater Paris Inter-departmental Sanitation Consortium – (SIAAP). This study reflects the richness of the ongoing discussions and aims to encourage a common metropolitan vision of water.
The second part will continue the reflective process concerning the rainwater plan for Paris and make proposals regarding both public and private spaces (existing representative districts, housing blocks, plots of land). This scenario-by-scenario approach will be underpinned by the prerequisites of the plan and will also assess the presence of non-drinking water – how it is recycled and stored, its visible presence in Parisian spaces and existing or possible technical plans of action.
Contents :
- Introduction
- Rainwater and sanitation: overview
- Towards common and shared best practices in rainwater management
- Summary of the study
- Bibliography