From now on, the City of Paris is going to use a “points system” to allocate housing to prospective tenants from its reserve of contingency housing. A transparent and clear mechanism. By April 15th 2015, 1,058 prospective tenants had been allocated housing through the application of the points system.
The City of Paris set up the “points system” on 3rd October, 2014 to allocate housing to prospective tenants from its reserve of contingency housing.
The points system allows every request to be assessed in a fair and balanced way. It makes the mechanism by which housing from the social housing stock is allocated more transparent and clear.
The points system gives a summary of the information contained in the application file of each household which has named Paris as one of its preferred locations. Since 2010, Apur has been broadly involved in discussions about and the subsequent development of this tool, and is supporting the City of Paris in its implementation.
In particular, the housing allocation committee of Paris City Council, as well as the committees of the 2nd, 10th, 12th, 13th and 18th districts of Paris are using the points system to prioritise and match requests for accommodation with the rental housing put at their disposal by social landlords; the committees of several other districts are in the process of changing their practices in order to implement the new tool.