Current and potential logistics sites
Contribution to the Real Astate Work Group for the Parisian Logistics Strategy

This work, carried out in the context of the Logistics Real Estate work group led by the City of Paris and Sogaris, describes the current situation of the network of logistics sites and proposes openings for future developments.

Gare de Lyon Railway links (12th district). ©

This work aims to identify areas in Paris where the pressure on logistics is high and sectors where the construction of new logistics facilities would be the most strategic. This reflective process follows on from work carried out by Apur that contributed to both the assessment report of the PLU and its revision moving towards a bioclimatic PLU.

A cross-referencing approach of the logistics supply and demand is proposed which reveals zones where the demand is highest, which makes it possible to define areas lacking in logistics. These areas emerge through the geographical superposition of areas equipped with logistics spaces and those where there is estimated to be a high demand for logistics solutions. Sites are divided into three categories according to the type of destination they provide for: 

  • BTP construction logistics sites.
  • E-commerce and messenger sites (in B2C).
  • Professional distribution sites (in B2B). 

More on the French page of the website.


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    Current and potential logistics sites - Contribution to the Real Astate Work Group for the Parisian Logistics Strategy

    Format : pdf, 6.6 MB