In 2020-2021, Apur carried out a campaign to update the Greater Paris development project database, which revealed that 27.4 million m2 will be constructed by 2030. This summary presents and puts into perspective the results of the Project DataBase exploitation.
Since 2008, the Paris Urbanism Agency has set up and managed a database which lists all the development projects in Grand Paris Metropolis and beyond, particularly those linked to the Grand Paris Express station neighbourhoods. The Project DataBase (BD Projets) has been considerably enriched since then and in 2020, a major updating campaign was carried out with the help of local authorities, Grand Paris Metropolis Public Territorial Establishments and developers. This latest update of the Project DataBase has made it possible to add elements concerning the phasing of programmes and an estimation of demolition (Demolition DB), and thus improve the monitoring of the progress of projects and planned production in terms of housing, offices, employment, public facilities, shops and hotels. This document presents a summary of the work. It lists the 27.4 million m2 to be constructed by 2030 in the Grand Paris Metropolis Development Projects, of which about 60% are located in Grand Paris Express station neighbourhoods.
In addition to the knowledge it provides on future programmes, this work also enables a strategy to be put in place to reduce shortcomings in areas in terms of local shops, green spaces and health facilites where development projects are able to meet essential needs by adapting their programme.