The Greater Paris organisation Métropole du Grand Paris (MGP), created on 1st January 2016, is made up of 131 Communes in the centre of the conurbation (divided into 12 public territorial bodies). This new institution, in liaison with the territories involved, should make it possible for the Metropolis’ attractiveness to be increased and at the same time to reduce the social and spacial inequalities which characterise it today.
The NOTRe law put the reins of local policy making for housing into the hands of the Metropole du Grand Paris instead of its member Communes. The first task for the Métropole du Grand Paris is to draw up its Metropolitan Housing and Accommodation Plan (PMHH), which serves as an intercommunal Local Housing Plan -PLH- on the scale of the 131 Communes that form Métropole du Grand Paris.
The PMHH has 4 distinct parts: a diagnostic document, a strategic guidelines document, a plan of action including a varied range of objectives for building housing, social housing and accommodation specific to each Commune. It also includes the definition of tools for monitoring the application of the programmed actions.
The present diagnostic document produced by Apur, which was requested by Métropole du Grand Paris, presents the socio-economic situation of households and looks at the question of housing, that is to say housing and accommodation in the 131 Communes of the Métropole du Grand Paris. It is organised into 7 parts and aims to objectivise the situation thus providing precise information to enable to identification of the main problematics facing the Metropolis, notably in terms of geographic re-equilibrium and highlighting the principal issues that the action programme should endeavour to address.