The economic impact of the crisis linked to Covid-19 in the Greater Paris Metropolis -Grand Paris-

Although the Grand Paris Metropolis forms a unique economic basin, job losses linked to lockdown highlight job sectors specific to each of its 12 Public Territorial Establishments. This note gives a breakdown at a local level of job losses estimated by Insee on a national scale.

The square Parvis de la Défense during lockdown © Apur - Michaël Silva-Gori

In the spring of 2020, job losses linked to lockdown measures are estimated to be -37.2% in Grand Paris (-34.5% in France). It is scientific and technical jobs, company support services as well as the, highly developed, information and communication sector, which along with commerce were the hardest hit with the greatest number of job losses.  

Grand Paris Seine Ouest (with job losses of -41.5%) and Paris Terre d’Envol (39.2%) appear as slightly more heavily impacted than other territories due to their specific employment structure (scientific, technical and company support services, information and communication sectors and commerce in Grand Paris Seine Ouest; transport and warehouse sectors, commerce and construction in Paris Terres d’Envol).

Conversely, territories slightly less affected are Grand Paris Grand Est (-33.8%), Paris Est Marne&Bois (-32.6%) and Grand Paris Sud Est Avenir (-32.9%), these areas are more specialised in non commercial services like administration, education and social action.

Crise économique liée à la Covid-19 : premiers impacts dans la Métropole du Grand Paris


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