Five thematic workshops were organised with the partners of the Paris City Contract in July 2021 to enrich the analyses carried out as part of the implementation of the evaluation framework.

Since 2018, several work projects have been carried out by the Paris Urbanism Agency, in conjunction with the City of Paris and the State, to contribute to the assessment process of the 2015-2022 Paris City Contract. In 2020, the signatory partners of the City Contract were asked to complete the indicators identified in the 2015-2019 evaluation framework. Also, an analysis was carried out to heighten awareness of actions implemented in the City’s Urban Cohesion Policy neighbourhoods.
In July 2021, five thematic workshops were organised with the Paris City Contract partners to enrich the analyses carried out in the context of the implementation of the assessment framework (Growing up - Working - Living - Health, social links and access to rights - The fight against discrimination, gender equality, secularism, citizenship and the Republic).
These workshops confirmed the reduction of certain social gaps between inhabitants of Urban Cohesion Policy Neighbourhoods and those in the rest of Paris over the recent period (social indicators, school achievement, economic dynamism, living environment) with, at the same time, indicators of precariousness which remain high and wide differences in employment and professional integration that still exist. Indeed, the proportion of low-income households is twice as high as the Parisian average (24% compared with 12%), although this has lowered recently (-2.1 points between 2012 and 2019 compared with +0.3 points in Paris). These workshops also emphasised a number of issues which have become more acute in priority neighbourhoods since the City Contract was signed and more recently since the health crisis: digital inclusion, access to rights and health care, ageing, intensification of certain situations of isolation, mental health problems, food insecurity, environmental health as well as a risk of worsening social and economic difficulties for the most fragile households.
Over and above the averages that can be retained from these analyses, these neighbourhoods show high levels of inequality with certain neighbourhoods experiencing situations close to Parisian averages while others, on the contrary, experience widening social gaps with the rest of the territory. Areas of fragility beyond the geographical priority were also identified.