The analysis of urban transformation in Grand Paris Express station neighbourhoods highlights the large amount of housing construction taking place that is independent from development operations.
This note looks at housing transformations underway in two Grand Paris Express station neighbourhoods, Saint-Maur - Créteil and Champigny Centre, both located on line 15 south, 5 years before the new metro opens.
The note endeavours to answer the following questions: what housing is being produced, in what density, of what typologies, with what architectural, its urban and environmental aspirations, by which operators and at what price? In emphasising the considerable amount of housing construction taking place separately from development operations, questions are raised on the housing and workplace equilibrium, the need for facilities and green spaces and street level activity.
This note is the fruit of a partnership between Société du Grand Paris, Apur and the urbanism college Ecole d’Urbanisme de Paris. It is based on work carried out by students in the context of a -Chair Aménager le Grand Paris- research project which aims to analyse the impact of the transport project on the evolution of urban areas in the metropolis.