In January 2021, the elected representatives of the Grand Paris Metropolitan Forum - Forum métropolitain du Grand Paris - wanted a study on Grand Paris to be carried out that would shed light on recent metropolitan history, its institutional organisation and its current challenges. This study was done in the context of a partnership between the Paris Urbanism Agency (Apur), the Paris Region Institute - L’Institut Paris Region - and the Metropolitan Forum.
In what ways has Grand Paris evolved over the past two decade? Which key players have been involved? What institutional organisation? What project dynamics? What are the challenges today? This document aims to provide answers to these questions, in a deliberately summarised, educational and illustrated format. It addition to elements for understanding the governance system, it provides information on the situation in the territory, its dynamics and its projects.
The study has a twofold objective: to enable elected representatives to have the key notions necessary to understand how Grand Paris functions and more generally, to contribute to ongoing reflection on constructing the metropolis. The prospect of potential discussion on the institutional organisation of Grand Paris render this study a tool for all players wishing to understand these issues and thus be able to formulate proposals.
While it has just been decided to dissolve the Grand Paris Metropolitan Forum, this work concludes over a decade of collaboration between the agencies (Paris Urbanism Agency, Paris Region Institute) and the Paris Metropolis mixed syndicate, which became the Grand Paris Metropolitan Forum.