In the Greater Paris - Grand Paris Metropolis, three out of ten young working people live with their parents

In 2022, the Paris Urbanism Agency (Apur) updated the socio-demographic portrait of young people in Paris and Grand Paris Metropolis. As complementary to this study, work focusing on the living conditions of young working people was carried out in partnership with Insee Ile-de-France.

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Access to housing of their own, encourages young people to become independent and often their entry into the job-market enables them to move away from the family home. However, an analysis of the living conditions of young working people aged between 18 and 29 in Grand Paris shows that being employed is sometimes not enough to allow them to leave their parents’ home.

In spite of having, on average, a high level of qualification, an often long-term job and a relatively high income, young working people living in the Grand Paris Metropolis live more often with their parents than those in other French metropolises. Almost a third (30%) out of 650,000 young working people still lived with their parents in Grand Paris Metropolis in 2018 (compared with 26% in other French metropolises).  Over the years, young people’s autonomy has become more difficult to attain and the number of “autonomous” young workers has gone down (-5 percent in 10 years between 2008 and 2018).

The study highlights the difficulties which effect more particularly young working people who remain living with their parents: more of them live in overcrowded housing (38% compared with 17% of young working people living in independent housing) and, on average, they travel longer distances to get to their place of work. It also underlines the significant disparities between territories in the metropolis: young working people are less often autonomous in areas in the north-east of Grand Paris where the level of unemployment among young people is also higher.

Finally, simulations have been carried out to estimate the level of effort made by young working people to find housing in the private sector (percentage of income devoted to rent). This effort rate is particularly high among young working people living alone in Paris and Paris Terre d’Envol, where it represents over a third of their income (35%).  In the former this is because rents are very high and in the latter because wages are lower.

Infographie - Dans la Métropole du Grand Paris, trois jeunes actifs sur dix vivent chez leurs parents © Apur


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    In the Greater Paris - Grand Paris Metropolis, three out of ten young working people live with their parents

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