The housing and accommodation offer in Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-

This study presents the various coherent housing and accommodation options within Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-.

Social accommodation COALLIA, Boulogne-Billancourt © Apur - David Boureau

The study presents the various coherent housing and accommodation options available within Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris- defining each type of accommodation and the number of places on offer. It also presents the social watch measures in place. 

The 131 Communes in the Métropole du Grand Paris have a total stock of 114,000 lodgings made up of housing and adapted temporary accommodation which include hotel rooms financed by the state (estimate according to the number of places available on the night of the 29-30 November 2016) and lodgings listed in the intermediary rental initiatives.

These 114,000 places correspond to an average of 16.3 places for 1,000 inhabitants in the Metropolis, compared with the ratio of 13.9 for the whole of Ile-de-France. What is more prominent than the number of places of suitable housing and accommodation is the imbalance in where this accommodation can be found in the Metropolis. A map of each Commune makes this situation clear. 

This study has been produced in partnership with the Ile-de-France Regional and Interdepartmental Ministry of Housing and Accommodation.

Les dispositifs d'hébergement et de logement adapté © Apur


Documents to download

  • Study

    The housing and accommodation offer in Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-

    Format : pdf, 20.69 MB

Maps to download

  • Map

    Where to find housing, suitable accommodation and intermediary rented lodgings in MGP

    Format : pdf, 1.03 MB