Housing and Living Conditions

Following a preparatory study carried out in 2004, the task of setting up the Observatory was given to the Apur in 2005. At a Paris City Council board meeting on 24th May 2006 participants of the Steering Committee were decided at the City of Paris Board meeting -DLH-2006-04G-.

 © Apur – David Boureau

The law n°2004-809 passed on 13th August  2004 on local liberties and responsibilities planned the setting up of a Housing and Living Conditions Observatory within the framework of local housing programmes -PLH- and  the Government Delegation of the  Departmental responsible for attributing Housing Aid. The  Paris Housing Observatory, planned by the -PLH-  was adopted by the Paris City Council in October 2004. Its creation was confirmed by the Skills Delegation Agreement approved by the Paris Council 7th February 2005 and signed on 20th April 2005

The  Observatory serves to enlighten the public authorities so they are better able to respond to Parisians housing needs.

  • To centralise data relative to housing and living conditions:
  • Follow through actions carried out within the framework of -PLH-
  • Be a base from which knowledge of housing in Paris is diffused (carry out studies)
  • To be a framework within which exchanges between those active in the field of housing and living conditions can take place.


The Observatory is a partnership structure headed by the Department of Housing and Living Conditions of the City of Paris. It associates the Regional Prefecture, Paris Police Headquarters - Préfecture de Paris- , Ile de France Regional Council, the AORIF, the Regional Federation of the SEM,  the CNL, UNPL, ADIL 75, URIOPSS, The APUR, the OLAP,  the elected board of the notary profession , the FROILIF (1%), the CDC and AURIF. The CRETEIL,  multidisciplinary research Laboratory of the Paris Institute of Urbanism (University Paris XII), performs the mission as a permanent scientific consultancy

The Observatory is organised around two bodies :

  • The Steering Committee presided over by the Deputy Mayor of Paris responsible for Housing, which fixes the Observatory's annual programme of studies
  • The Technical Committee, responsible  for leading activities under the supervision of the Steering Committee, carry out studies and develop a database on housing and living conditions.


It includes a monitoring tool :

To go further