With 205 km of automatic metro lines under construction, to be completed by 2030, the Grand Paris Express (GPE) will change the geographical face of the metropolis, its ways of functioning, the way it is considered and its municipal organisation.
Since 2014 work carried out by the Grand Paris Express station neighbourhoods observatory has contributed to collecting photographs of the 68 neighbourhoods due to have new metro services up and running by 2030. This collection is intended to provide thorough and factual knowledge enabling the specificities of each neighbourhood to be described, each neighbourhood to be compared one with the other and that in the future, the effects of the Grand Paris Express to be measured.
Apart from monographs made of each station neighbourhood and cross-analyses of each line, the Strategy Committee of the Société du Grand Paris wanted to document a number of themes which has led to thematic studies being undertaken: culturel facilities, health centres, sport, economic fabric. In the present study, it is the turn of the housing stock in station neighbourhoods to undergo analysis.
The study, carried out with the State Departments in charge of housing policies and the Societé du Grand Paris, addresses the enormous challenges that the Métropole du Grand Paris represents, which are found with even greater intensity in the Grand Paris Express station neighbourhoods. It aims notably to:
- Measure the place given to the residential function in neighbourhoods and consequently the functional mix in these neighbourhoods.
- Compare the present density of neighbourhoods in order to show the development possibilities in certain neigbourhoods.
- Reveal the landscape quality and diversity of GPE station neighbourhoods, made up, to a great extent, of residential urban fabric.
- Analyse the characteristics of the existing housing offer in order to identify imbalances in certain neighbourhoods, to be taken into consideration when defining the programmes of future projects.
- Count the housing units, notably social housing, which will benefit from a better transport service thanks to the new metro.
- Examine the developments made within neighbourhoods since the announcement of the creation of the Grand Paris Express and the location of the 68 station neighbourhoods, in terms of housing prices and the building dynamic.