In 2017 Station F is opening in Paris. It is the largest start-up incubator in the world and puts to new use over 34,000 m2 of the symbolic and historical site La Halle Freyssinet. An absolute cathedral of hi-tech, Station F epitomises the extraordinary creativity which is shaking up the whole region in all fields - digital, ecological, industrial, scientific…, from the heart of Paris out to the rural territories, passing through the inner ring of suburbs - La Petite Couronne -.
Both the Paris Urbanism Agency (Apur) and Ile de-France Urbanism and Development Institute (IAU) want to applaud the event and to place it in its historical context. They therefore decided to join forces to explore the transformation taking place in territories affected by innovation, to record the dynamics underway and illustrate the unbelievable diversity of the innovation network.
The first part describes territories’ assets and strengths, the rich innovative impulse and ressources rooted in a long history of industry, traditional knowledge and skills and technical and scientific research. The possibilities opened by optic fibre, the stronger links between research and development and in the very near future the new transport system all revitalise the attractiveness of territories.
The second part describes the challenges involved which are also opportunities to be seized, the turning point of digitalisation, ecological transformation, as well as the entrepreneurial energy, new ways of working, innovative ways of functioning and innovative citizen initiatives, which put in question the urban fabric of the city
The third part describes the growth accelerators and dynamics in process, the support given by public authorities to innovation, its financing, and the development of networks and support structures which are developing fast.
The study is downloadable below or can be consulted in this flipbook.