A draft version of the Metropolitan Scot diagnostic and the first work document for developing the Scot, it brings together the main elements known about the Greater Paris - Grand Paris Métropole - territory which are necessary for drawing up this metropolitan project.

The document presents a summary of the main aspects covered by the diagnostic work for the Metropolitan Scot, and was put together by the project team set up by the Métropole du Grand Paris Development Management Board and the two agencies Apur and IAU îdf.
The agencies were also involved with other Métropole du Grand Paris teams in relation to the Metropolitan Climate-Air-Energy Plan (PCAEM), the Metropolitan Housing and Accommodation Plan (PMHH), the environmental assessment and“Logistics” and “Lively Town and City Centres” work groups. They gathered and organised the information necessary for producing a basic draft version of a multi-themed diagnostic, which continues to evolve as elements are added from public authority representative observations, associated public entities, and the various consultation and decision-making forums.
All the themed analyses, the use and treatment of relevant data, the cartographic and infographic elements were produced by Apur and IAU îdf.