Nogent-sur-Marne Town Council wishes to increase awareness of the conservation of its territory’s urban and landscape quality by setting up facilitating tools.
The Nogent-sur-Marne Council plans to develop its urbanism documentation and Apur is assisting in this process.
It is true that the commune wishes to enrich its thinking on how to preserve the urban and landscape quality of its territory by setting up a certain number of tools to achieve this, although the quality and characteristics of its buildings are already protected to a certain extent by the Local Urbanism Plan (PLU). After having identified the different elements which make up the Nogentais landscape, the study puts forward an analysis of the overall landscape from points of view which open onto the metropolitan landscape and the streets of the town itself and imagines a certain number of tools for managing these landscapes that could be integrated into the PLU.
More generally the study reviews the contents of the PLU looking at the structural rules in force and proposes a few changes aimed at rendering them more efficient.
Lastly, special attention needs to be paid to the consequences of recent changes in legislation (access to housing - ALUR, new territorial organisation - NOTRe…) on
present PLU rules, notably those dealing with structural regulations. This is why the protected heritage zones UP, UPr and UPb were examined in more depth, in order to highlight elements to be considered linked to the consequences of the land use regulations - COS - being suppressed and to make the very necessary adjustments to building rights in zones where the main objective is to preserve the existing structural characteristics of the urban fabric.