The Observatory of the Grand Paris Network station neighbourhoods is a partnership-based tool put in place by the Société du Grand Paris (SGP), the Ile-de-France Regional and Interdepartmental Infrastructure and Development Office (DRIEA) and the Atelier Parisien d’Urbanisme (Apur).
Set up in 2013, it provides knowledge and a detailed analysis tool of the future Grand Paris Express station neighbourhoods through monographic studies of each neighbourhood and cross-analyses of future lines. Analysis is structured around six themes : densities, centralities, urban fabric and landscape, demographic, family and social trends, mobility and the dynamics of construction and urban projects. In addition to these documents, some complementary theme-based studies have been produced on culture, the economic fabric and healthcare in the station neighbourhoods.
This note presents the full range of the work carried out by the Observatory of Grand Paris station neighbourhoods, as well as some illustrations picked from monographs and cross-analyses.