In order to form a clear vision of its urban planning and development, Paris Est Marne&Bois instigated a collaborative initiative with the member municipalities within the territory in the form of thematic workshops which began in March 2018.
The aim of the workshops was to provide information about the territory so that Métropole du Grand Paris and other local authorities could be more aware of the challenges and issues linked to urban planning and development. They also offered an opportunity for the territory to take the first, preparatory steps towards drawing up an urban development and sustainable development plan (PADD).
The territory wished to be assisted in this task by its partner Apur as well as the Val-de-Marne Energy Agency CAUE 94 wanting to benefit from their knowledge and experience of the area.
Workshops were held from June 2018 to April 2019. They brought together local authority departments and the Inter-municipal Public Territorial Establishment and also invited exterior partners in relation to the themes being dealt with: on economic issues the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and the Val-de-Marne Development Council (CODEV), on environmental questions the joint local authority syndicate Marne Vive.
Each workshop explored a particular theme:
1. Environment - nature - biodiversity - risks and different forms of pollution
2. Heritage and landscape
3. Economy: hubs in the territory, commercial outlets, economic zones of activity (ZAE), a functional mix
4. Organisation urbaine : tissus urbains, quartiers de gare, déplacements
5. Logement et habitat
Prior to each workshop a dossier was compiled of existing studies on the subject in question, cartographic documents covering the territory, a comparison of the regulatory provisions of each town’s Local Urbanism Plan (PLU), and finally the issues and questions to be discussed. This were sent to municipalities a week before the workshop. It was thus possible for them to prepare for the workshop by discussing relavent questions with their various departments and indicating any errors and adjustments that needed to be made.
Each workshop was a time for debating and exchanging and ended with a feedback session highlighting the essential elements covered and was followed by a written and illustrated summary.
In the context of its partnership work programme, Apur accompanies territorial dynamics with particular support that reinforces the accumulation and sharing of knowledge.
In that concerning Paris Est Marne&Bois, Apur produced preparatory documents, compiled the data and studies relating to the subject in question from its own databases and extracts of its studies focusing on the territory. The data and dossiers contributed by Paris Est Marne&Bois coming from its own departments and its partners’ completed the set of documents used.
Thus for example, for the workshop dealing with the economy and commerce, the CCI and CODEV 94 presented the territory’s economic development issues and the linked issues of employment and local shops.
For each workshop CAUE 94 contributed clarification on the architectural and landscape challenges and showed examples of good practise. Apur and CAUE 94 were responsible for the organisation and hosting of the workshops.
Following each workshop the preparatory dossier was consolidated.
At a second stage, a summary of workshops was jointly drawn up by the local authority departments, the CAUE 94 and Apur.
The preparatory dossiers as well as the final summary account of the five workshops are available online here.