In Paris, one salaried job out of five is in an international tourist zone

In Paris, one salaried job out of five is in an international tourist zone
Since 2015, Paris has formed twelve international tourist zones effected by shops opening on Sundays and late at night.
One out of every five salaried job in Paris, that is to say 316,000 employees, are found in these zones where there are shops as well as business and administrative activities.  The retail outlet sector is the largest in ZTI, providing 16% of jobs compared with 9% in Paris as a whole. The commercial profile of ZTI is specific made up of large shops and department stores which concentrate Parisian jobs is specialised fields such as clothes-shoes, leather goods-accessories, watches-jewellery and culture-leisure-sport. However some convenience stores which cater for the needs of inhabitants, like chemists, specialised food and craft shops are less present.


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  • Note n° 112 - In Paris, one salaried job out of five is in an international tourist zone

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