Launched in 2014 Paris’ participatory budget put in place an unprecedented way of involving its citizens. Projects were drawn up and submitted on an internet platform dedicated to inhabitants and community collectives. In 2015 Parisians submitted 5,114 projects. Out of all of these 8 projects for Paris and 180 projects for districts were selected as winners, for a budget of almost 70 million euros.
By enabling Parisians to submit projects freely, the participatory budget also becomes a form of expression of their expectations and needs concerning their quality of life, their immediate environment and the future of their street, their neighbourhood, their city.
This study is committed to analysing all the projects submitted by Parisians in 2015 before any selection was made. It is based on a detailed reading of the body of 5,114 projects and a statistical and geographic translation of them.
The analysis of the geography of projects shows that they are spread over the whole Parisian territory with a intense concentration in the centre of Paris and numerous projects in the affluent districts in west Paris.
Half the projects submitted concern tree subjects: quality of life, the environment and mobility.
The themes gathering the least number of projects, within the conditions, themes and regulations of the participatory budget itself, are housing and the economy.
Some unusual sectors stand out among the high concentration of projects, which are evidence of Parisians’ particular expectations : the little circular railway line “La Petite Ceinture”, the Seine and canal embankments, the main popular shopping areas, the inner ring road “Boulevard des Maréchaux” and the green belt.
Most projects initiators show a spirit of optimism and creativity through their projects.
The principal message which comes across is the desire inhabitants have to repossess public space, which is more user-friendly and greener, allowing its different functions to cohabit side by side.