On the occasion of the publication - in Paris-Projet issue no. 41-42 “Visible City Hidden Resources” - of the Hidden Resources white paper which draws together the different contributions sent in response to the City of Paris December 2012 call for papers, Apur organised a one-day seminar on 10 July, 2013 on the subject of energy and climate in the heart of Greater Paris.
Numerous working groups and think tanks are focusing on energy transition. The State departments (DRIEE, Regional and Interdepartmental Department of the Environment and Energy and DRIEA, Ile-de-France Regional and Interdepartmental Department of Public Works and Development) have made a major contribution towards the drawing up of the Regional Climate, Air and Energy Scheme (SRCAE) for Ile-de-France. The Paris Métropole partnership committee has also published a report on metropolitan energy transition.
These different SRCAE working groups, with their related discussion and regulatory documents, have largely defined the issues and the courses of action to follow. But in order to become operational, these recommendations need to be allocated to specific territories.
The objective of the 10 July 2013 seminar was to establish a platform bringing all the private and public participating bodies together around Apur with a view to drawing up, over a period of 30 months, a “Thermal Local Urbanism Plan, PLU” which would aim to establish a territorialised strategy concerning local production of renewable energy, ENR, the organisation of networks (of heat, gas, electricity...), the co-ordination locally of recommended courses of action with the different types of materials and construction, and transformation work on existing buildings....
During the seminar, a significant number of people active in energy transition met in three workshops (networks, water and energy, localised energy sources), to exchange ideas about sustainable cities, and to share their visions and analyses and contribute to urban energy transition.