The Observatory of station neighbourhoods was set up by the Greater Paris -Grand Paris- transport and development organisation - Société du Grand Paris, the Ile-de-France Regional and Interdepartmental Department of Infrastructure and Development - DRIEA, and Apur in response to a perceived need to provide a tool to increase awareness and for analysing the neighbourhoods of future stations at the centre of the conurbation.
This tool should make it possible to get a better understanding of the territory, to gauge the urban and social changes that station neighbourhoods will undergo and to evaluate the dynamics of housing construction, economic development, energy transition and accessibility to the stations.
The Observatory was set up as a result of exchanges between the Greater Paris transport and development organisation Société du Grand Paris, Ile-de-France Regional and Interdepartmental Department of Infrastructure and Development, DRIEA, Apur and those local authorities affected by the imminent arrival of a station. In 2013, as a preliminary step, a selection was made from all the available statistical indicators in order to reduce their number and retain only the most relevant. This made it possible to establish a list of about fifty indicators organised under 6 headings: densities, centralities, urban and landscape context, demographic and social characteristics of the inhabitants of station neighbourhoods, mobility and public space and the dynamics of construction and projects.
Observation has been carried out in two stages:
- A cross-analysis of all the trial station neighbourhoods considered Line by Line, comparing the situation of each station neighbourhood one with the other.
- Monographs detailing the characteristics of each station neighbourhood and locating them in their immediate environment, not only in those communes affected by the arrival of the stations but also in the rest of the inner ring of suburbs.
During the preliminary phase, a cross-analysis of six trial station neighbourhoods was carried out and a monograph prepared on Vitry-Centre station neighbourhood.
The cross-analysis of the 16 stations on the southern section of Line 15 is already available to download.