Within the framework of its partnership work programme, Apur has undertaken a study of the road network at the heart of the conurbation, with the aim of creating a shared diagnostic and a coherent vision of public space with the main contributors to its transformation. The study, set up in mid- 2012 and set to take 2 years, was undertaken with the DRIEA-Regional and Inter-departmental Department of Amenities and Development-, the SGP-Sociéte du Grand Paris-, the Regional Councils of Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne, together with the City of Paris, the Ile-de-France Region and the STIF-Public Transport Syndicate-.
The first phase of the study was completed in the spring of 2013 with the delivery of the diagnostic. Organised around shared cartographic reading tools, this report gives an overview of the current organisation of the road network and the structure of public space. It is presented in the form of an atlas comprising a shared data bank including physical and historical characteristics, usage, landscape, the urban framework and also the changes underway. The study looks in particular at the question of accessibility and feeder services to existing and future stations.
The second and third phases presented in this report constitute a more forward-looking and strategic framework through which to organise and understand the metropolis.
The proposal by Apur of creating an urban road network with four levels of priority (highway, main road, secondary and local), as well as identifying deficiencies and issues to be addressed in order to complete the picture, forms part of the research into ways of enhancing the urban environment and public space. The study has also been able to identify the problematic sectors and the major transformations to come, by giving an overall perspective of territories under development and bringing together exploratory discussions and the main projects dealing with transport connections.
These discussions, nourished by ongoing workshops, involve the study partners and a large number of contributors. The resulting exchanges make it possible to identify measures and strategic case studies on the following themes:
- coordinated and optimised organisation of urban logistics,
- qualitative feeder services to existing and future stations,
- boulevards of the city serving as an urban framework of the heart of the conurbation,
- a main network serving the territories and evolving in the way it is used.
In this way, the study presents an initial framework for working together to improve travel conditions, optimise the functioning of the road network and reinforce the urban structure of the metropolis.