In order to respond to the issue of improving air quality in Paris, the question of alternatives to diesel run motors for the City of Paris utility vehicles is being looked into.
In this context the issue is being raised of converting part of the City of Paris’ vehicles to NGV, notably those which clean the pavements (ENT) and 550 light utility vehicles (VUL) of the Department for Clean Water (DPE). The speed of ENT is limited to 25 km/h: they therefore don’t have time to cover great distances in order to recharge or refuel, which implies that their source of fuel should be located near the areas they work in or where they are parked when not in service.
Through the specific requirements of these City of Paris pavement-cleaning vehicles, which have a dimensional element which is very restricting, this study offers spaces where private or public NGV stations could be set up, destined first and foremost to serve light utility vehicles, which would be limited to land-plots on either public space or belonging to the City of Paris land heritage.