Telework and mobility in Greater Paris -Grand Paris- What will the future impact be on transport networks?

After the experience of so many people having to work from home during the health crisis, numerous companies and employees are thinking about setting up remote work permanently and regularly. To what extent will this “non-mobility” affect travel between home and work?

© / JGalione

The exceptional situation linked to the Covid-19 health crisis, brought to the fore questions about the way we relate to our homes, our way of life and how we travel in Grand Paris. During the two month lockdown health workers and some “essential workers”  continued to go to work while numerous others resorted to working from home if their job permitted.

Through this note, Apur has wanted to better assess the impact that remote work could have on mobility in the Grand Paris metropolis.

Three telework scenarios “for the future” have been studied, mainly targeting managerial staff, who are particularly concerned by remote working and make up over a third of commuter journeys in the metropolis.

From the minimal scenario to the most ambitious, with 10 to 20% of salaried workers (crafts people excluded) regularly teleworking - that is 20 to 40% of managerial staff), this amounts to between 5% to 11% of all home-workplace journeys that could be avoided in Grand Paris, that is more than 1.11 to 2.27 million journeys per week.

Working regularly from home could therefore have a significant impact on relieving congestion in public transport networks, on motorways and the Périphérique ring-road, and also reduce peak hour overcrowding which would make travelling in the metropolis more comfortable, while at the same time facilitating the journeys of “essential workers” and logistics transport.

Télétravail et mobilité dans le Grand Paris en chiffres © Apur


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