The trajectory of innovating companies: towards common indicators?

Structures accompanying young innovating businesses in the Métropole du Grand Paris gather and produce data on companies (application files, activity reports). 

© Gajus/

Observatory of Support Systems for Innovation in the Parisian metropolis -Métropole du Grand Paris-

Once the information has been standardised, assembled the enriched it could contribute to the shared knowledge about innovation within the framework of an observatory.

Since 2016 Apur has, with its partners, been involved in the process of observing innovation in Métropole du Grand Paris. The Atlas of places supporting innovation produced in 2016 identified over a hundred incubators, and accelerators in a very dynamic ecosystem. This work has enabled the documentation of various facets of these structures and for them to be mapped. However it has not enabled accompanied innovating companies to be identified or counted, nor their evolution or impact within territories. In 2018 Apur explored this possibility with a number of voluntary structures and networks.  

The present study proposes a method and tool intended to provide common indicators for structures supporting innovation, describing the pathway of accompanied companies and entrepreneurs. 

In order to produce these indicators it is necessary to coordinate different sources of data, those of supporting structures - to be homogenised and standardised beforehand-, that of the economic files which could be regularly acquired and which are complementary to the different stages of a company’s life, particularly once companies are no longer accompanied.

The aim of this work is has many aspects: to facilitate the work of structures through data feedback and sharing information, to put together a dynamic panorama of innovating structures and companies which are accompanied on the scale of the metropolitan territories, to have more viable and updated data available in order to qualify this ecosystem, to identify the “Business Test Panels” and to carry out studies on targeted subjects.

The Observatory has a long-term approach. With the aim of it being gradually put into action, Apur, proposes that the method and tool be tested on the scale of metropolitan territories or on all the coherent structures, with the first results being obtained in 2019.

All demands for information or to participate can be addressed to Apur via this link or sent directly by email.


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  • Study

    The trajectory of innovating companies: towards common indicators? Observatory of Support Systems for Innovation in the Parisian metropolis -Métropole du Grand Paris-

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