Users of the disabled people's facility the Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH) in Paris in 2012

Users of the disabled people's facility (MDPH) in Paris in 2012
This note analyses MDPH data on 31st December 2012. It gives an overall view of the types of public, including both children and adults, whose disabilities are administratively recognised by the MDPH. The data is organised by gender, age, district of residence and type of disability.
125 600 Parisians who have a disability are known by the MDPH, that is 5,6 % of the entire population. This proportion increases with age, disability being more prevalent after the age of 40. Men are over-represented in the those recognised by the MDPH : 56 % of adult disability benefits go to men while 65 % of educational benefit for disabled children go to boys. There is a north/east/south crescent shaped concentration of each type of aid. Mental deficiencies are on the whole the most highly represented public.


Documents to download

  • Users of the disabled people's facility the Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH) in Paris in 2012

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