This study is the result of a partnership between the Societé du Grand Paris, Apur and the Paris School of Urban Planning and Development - École d’Urbanisme de Paris -. It is based on work carried out by students in the context of a project run by the research chair “Aménager le Grand Paris”, which aims to analyse the impact of the public transport project on the evolution of urban areas in the metropolis.

In partnership with the “Aménager le Grand Paris” Chair at the Paris School of Urban Planning, Apur wanted to shed light on two business parks located close to future Grand Paris Express stations, in order to understand how they function and their development potential linked notably to the new services provided by the Grand Paris Express metro.
Created in the 1960s, the Coudray business park and that of Mardelles - Garenne, which each occupy about 50 hectares, have experienced the ageing of their facilities and companies being replaced in the 1980s. The local authorities, however, wanted to preserve their economic vocation. Up until now they have been isolated from the public transport rail network, but will both have access to Grand Paris Express line 16 services by 2026 and could undergo significant changes in the years to come.
The analyses confirm the potential of these economic sectors which already offer a real flexibility of use. The arrival of the new stations could be anticipated by reflection on the densification of businesses through real estate being renewed, their attractiveness reinforced and improvements made to the quality of public spaces with more nature.
The results obtained by greatly increasing observation and having a transversal approach to the economy, the morphology of the urban fabric and mobility, can enrich reflection on how to maintain and redefine other business sectors in the Grand Paris Metropolis.