Workshops preparing for the Plaine Commune Inter-communal Land-use Plan (PLUI)

Workshops analysing three themes of the Plaine Commune PLU in preparation for the PLUI being drawn up: economic development, green and blue belts and changes in the urban fabric.

Satellite view of the Plaine Commune territory © MNE/MNT/Photo/proche infrarouge - Aerodata

Within the framework of the drawing up of its Inter-communal Land-use Plan (PLUI), the Plaine Commune Public Territory Organisation collaborated with Apur in organising a series of themed workshops to help with the creation of its urban planning document.

The first three workshops for the analysis of the Land-use Plans (PLU) for the 9 communes, covered, respectively, economic development, the green and blue belts and urban ecology, and changes in the urban fabric. They examined questions of zoning and regulations in large areas of different types of urban fabric (low-rise housing, economy, mixed and densely-populated zones, natural green spaces, housing estates), and looked for overall consistency, heterogeneity in the writing and also the way large inter-communal objects such as the Seine were treated.

This summary presents the main lessons coming out of these workshops preparing the ground for the drawing up of the Plaine Commune PLUI.


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  • Workshop

    Workshops preparing for the Plaine Commune Inter-communal Land-use Plan (PLUI)

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